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  1. Extend the NODEDETAILS data base to allow entry support for whether the host is currenty pingable.
  2. Extend the PingER map (also use for Pakistani to Pakistani subset map for the case study) - Faisal has taken this on.
    1. This adds ping, traceroute, access to database etc.
    2. The advantage compared to other traceroute maps is that the laundering keeps only good servers
    3. Add in Viper capabilities (i.e. paths with coloring)
  3. Get the MatLab license at SEECS and put up a CGB server using it. They had a licenses, it had limited capability and it has expired. Zadar will talk to Ali Khayam to get another license. In the meantime Zafar has a matlab version to work with. Basically the client will call the reflector with the target. The reflector will return the landmarks and RTTs. These (landmarks and RTTs) will be passed to the CBG code that will look up the database for the lat/longs of the landmarks (alternatively the CBG could be passed just the lat/longs andnot need the database, however this may make debugging harder) and then using these lat/longs together with the RTTs find the target and errors.   Zafar has 1 graduate (MS) student who can work on re-implementing CBG in Java. There are 2 students working on the PingER archive.
    1. All of our geolocation techniques are in Java and since there is no sort of a front-end back-end abstraction layer, best solution is to go with re-implementation.
    2. Since all of geolocation code is a single project, integrating CBG as a separate class will be better than trying to create a platform where CBG can talk to the rest of the infrastructure. This way in case of failure we will have just one point to deal with, instead of two. We won't be required to setup extra logging on the second machine running MatLab.
    3. Neither will there be communication overhead due to over-the-internet communication and nor will there be cross-platform issues.
  4. Extend Checkdata to provide emails automatically, see  
  5. Add MOS to see is Radia interested, she will start work on it when done with HEC report, also she is working on her masters classes done,  writing thesis.
  6. Improve the PingER2 installation procedures to make it more robust.  This might be something for the person(s) in Pakistan who are responsible for installing PingER2 at the Pakistani monitoring sites. They probably have found where the failures occurs. Also look at the FAQ, and which has been improved to assist in debugging, could it be further improved (e.g. provide access to the httpd.conf file so one can see if it properly configured)?
  7. Fix PingER archiving/analysis package to be IPv6 conformant.


Zafar's and Arshad's letters of invitation were sent 11/29/2010.
