Versions Compared


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Comment: Updated TypeId enum




Class _pdsdata.xtc.TypeId

Python wrapper for pdsdata/xtc/TypeId class. In addition to methods described here the class also defines __hash__ and __cmp__ methods based on the content of the object and can be used as a key in the dictionaries.


Enum Type

This enum is an embedded type of TypeId class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TypeId.Type.Any
  • TypeId.Type.Id_Xtc
  • TypeId.Type.Id_Frame
  • TypeId.Type.Id_AcqWaveform
  • TypeId.Type.Id_AcqConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_TwoDGaussian
  • TypeId.Type.Id_Opal1kConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_FrameFexConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_EvrConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_TM6740Config
  • TypeId.Type.Id_ControlConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_pnCCDframe
  • TypeId.Type.Id_pnCCDconfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_Epics
  • TypeId.Type.Id_FEEGasDetEnergy
  • TypeId.Type.Id_EBeam
  • TypeId.Type.Id_PhaseCavity
  • TypeId.Type.Id_PrincetonFrame
  • TypeId.Type.Id_PrincetonConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_EvrData
  • TypeId.Type.Id_FrameFccdConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_FccdConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_IpimbData
  • TypeId.Type.Id_IpimbConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_EncoderData
  • TypeId.Type.Id_EncoderConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_EvrIOConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_PrincetonInfo
  • TypeId.Type.Id_CspadElement
  • TypeId.Type.Id_CspadConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_IpmFexConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_IpmFex
  • TypeId.Type.Id_DiodeFexConfig
  • TypeId.Type.Id_DiodeFex
  • TypeId.Type.Id_PimImageConfig
  • TypeId.Type.NumberOf


Wiki Markup
Usage: {{typeId = xtc.TypeId(\[_type_, \[_version_\]\])}}


  • type – one of the ebove enum values, if missing then Any assumed
  • version – version number, if missing then assumed to be 0

Method value()

Usage: val = typeId.value()

Returns the whole type ID number including version as integer number.

Method id()

Usage: id =

Returns the type ID number without version as enum object of TypeId.Type type.

Method version()

Usage: vers = typeId.version()

Returns the type ID version number as integer number.
