Versions Compared


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  • Core tables (Task, TaskProcess, Dataset, TPInstance, and DSInstance) may satisfy requirements with minor modifications
    • Some of Dan's original, simple, constraints (and tables such as TP_DS) may be too restrictive to allow things such as parallel processing.
      (info) To be replaced with something in the nature of a list of conditions for further processing.
    • Upon Karen's suggestion, enumerated tables to have their integer Primary Keys removed, replaced with enumerated value as Primary Key.
      (plus) Significantly reduces amount of SQL code devoted to joins.
      (plus) Still provides UI the advantage of an enumerated list of possible values.
      (minus) Karen warns that this requires more work to change (or remove) an enumerated value.
        • (info) Dan claims this drawback is rare and significantly offset by the time-cost benefit in coding, and readability/maintenance of code.
    • Changes to naming of tables and quantities should be considered due to the proliferation of the word 'Task' as seen in the next section.
