Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To see the list of runs and their translation status one have to pass two parameters to ic-ws-status command – instrument name and experiment name. Here is example of the command and its output:

No Format
% ic-ws-status AMO amo14410
   Run  Status                 ReqID  Req Time             Files
     1  Translation_Error       8543  2010-06-07 08:04:23  /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14410/xtc/e23-r0001-s01-c00.xtc
     2  Complete                8545  2010-06-07 09:27:02  /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14410/xtc/e23-r0002-s00-c00.xtc
     3  Complete                8546  2010-06-07 09:27:02  /reg/d/psdm/AMO/amo14410/xtc/e23-r0003-s01-c00.xtc


  • Initial_Entry – New request, waiting for translation, file list will be empty.
  • Waiting_Translation – New request, waiting for translation, file list will be non-empty.
  • Being_Translated – Translator process is running.
  • Translation_Error – Translation process failed, usually means input data is bad or repeated attempt to translate run which has been translated already.
  • Complete – Successfully translated.

Translating new runs

One more command ic-ws-translate sends requests to the system to translate data for the new runs. It takes three parameters:

  1. Instrument name
  2. Experiment name
  3. List of runs

List of runs is defined as a comma-separated list of run ranges. Run range is defined as a single run number or two run number separated by dash. To make it simple here are examples of the valid lists of runs:

  • 1 – single run #1
  • ({1,2,3,4,5)) – five runs from #1 to #5
  • 1-5 – same as above
  • 1-5,11-15,21-25 – fifteen runs #1 to #5, #11 to #15, and #21 to #25

Here is an example of submitting request for translation of several runs:

No Format

% ic-ws-translate AMO amo14410 105-108
Run 105 OK (id=8919)
Run 106 OK (id=8920)
Run 107 OK (id=8921)
Run 108 OK (id=8922)

For every submitted request it will print one-line summary. If there is an error which happened during submission the error message will be printed for that run like in this example:

No Format

% ic-ws-translate AMO amo14410 108-110
Run 108 failed: fileset already exists: instr=AMO exper=amo14410 run=108
Run 109 OK (id=8927)
Run 110 OK (id=8928)

In this case the script also returns non-zero return code to the shell which can be checked.