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Class pyana.event.Event

Instance of this class contains all event data.


Usage: evt = pyana.event.Event(dg)

Creates event object from the corresponding XTC datagram object.


Method find()

Usage: objects = evt.find(...)

Returns possibly empty list of data objects contained in the event. This method accepts a number of arguments, but all arguments are optional. If no arguments are given then a list of all data objects is returned. If some arguments are given then only those objects that satisfy a particular criteria are returned. The list of possible keyword arguments:

  • typeId – accepts enum xtc.TypeId.Type, only return objects which have that TypeId
  • version – accepts number, only return objects whose type version number is equal to number
  • level – accepts one of xtc.Level values, only returns objects originated at that level
  • detector – accepts enum xtc.DetInfo.Detector values, only returns objects produced by this detector
  • detId – accepts number, only returns objects produced by this detector ID
  • device – accepts enum xtc.DetInfo.Device values, only returns objects produced by this device
  • devId – accepts number, only returns objects produced by this device ID
  • addressxtc.DetInfo object or an address string (see User Manual)

The parameters address and any of the detector, detId, device, devId are incompatible, specify only one or another.

Method findFirst()

Usage: object = evt.findFirst(...)

Accepts the same set of arguments as find() methods but instead of list of objects returns fist object found. If no object is satisfying all selection criteria then None is returned.




Wiki Markup
 {{data = evt.
get(_typeId_, \[_address_\])}}

This is a generic method for finding an object of given type. If address is not given or Returns Acqiris configuration data of type acqiris.ConfigV* for specific device. If address given is not very specific then the first matching object is returned. Note that this method returns original data types defined in _pdsdata package, not those enhanced types from pypdsdata package.


Ordinary configuration objects are contained in a Configure type datagrams only. For client code that means that this method can be used in beginjob() or beginrun() methods only. Note also that configuration objects are stored in the Pyana environment and preferred way to access configuration information is through the environment. This makes this method of little utility to end users.

Method getAcqValue()

Usage: acqData = evt.getAcqValue(address, channel, env)

Method getAcqValue()

Usage: acqData = evt.getAcqValue(address, channel, env)

Returns Acqiris data object Returns Acqiris data object of type pypdsdata.acqiris.DataDescV* for specific device and channel. If address given is not very specific then the first matching object is returned.


  • addressxtc.DetInfo object or an address string (see User Manual)
  • channel – channel number from 0 to max number of channels
  • env – environment object containing Acqiris configuration object

Channel number is an integer number, total number of channels can be extracted from the Acqiris configuration object.

Method getEBeam()

Usage: obj = evt.getEBeam()

Returns data object of type bld.BldDataEBeam or bld.BldDataEBeamV0 whichever is present in the event.

Method getEvrData()

Usage: obj = evt.getEvrData(address)

Returns data object of type evr.EvrDataV* for given address.


This method is equivalent to evt.get(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_EvrData, address).

Method getFeeGasDet()

Usage: array = evt.getFeeGasDet()

Wiki Markup
Returns the list of 4 numbers {{\[f_11_ENRC, f_12_ENRC, f_21_ENRC, f_22_ENRC\]}} obtained from [{{bld.BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy}}|#_pdsdata.bld.BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy] object.




Usage: frame = evt.







frame data object of type




FrameV* for specific device. If address given is not very specific then the first matching object is returned.



This method is equivalent to evt.get(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_Frame, address).

Method getIpimbValue

Method getPhaseCavity()

Usage: obj = evt.getPhaseCavity()

Returns data object of type bld.BldDataPhaseCavity.



Usage: frame = evt.






Returns frame data object of type




DataV* for specific device. If address given is not very specific then the first matching object is returned.



This method is equivalent to evt.get(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_IpimbData, address).

Method getOpal1kValue





frame = evt.





This methods is an alias for getFrameValue().

Method getPhaseCavity


Returns _pdsdata.xtc.ClockTime object, equivalent to dg.seq.clock()





obj = evt.





data object of type bld.BldDataPhaseCavity.

Method getPnCcdValue()

Usage: frame = evt.getPnCcdValue(address, env)

returns pnCCD data object of type pypdsdata.pnccd.FrameV* for specific device. If address given is not very specific then the first matching object is returned.


  • addressxtc.DetInfo object or an address string (see User Manual)
  • env – environment object containing pnCCD configuration object

Method getPrincetonValue()

Usage: frame = evt.getPrincetonValue(address, env)

Returns Princeton frame object of type pypdsdata.princeton.Frame* for specific device. If address given is not very specific then the first matching object is returned.


  • addressxtc.DetInfo object or an address string (see User Manual)
  • env – environment object containing Acqiris configuration object

Method getTime()

Usage: t = evt.getTime()

Returns _pdsdata.xtc.ClockTime object, equivalent to dg.seq.clock()

Method seq()

Usage: s = evt.seq()

Returns _pdsdata.xtc.Sequence object, equivalent to dg.seq


Class pyana.event.Env

Instance of this class is a container for all sorts of environment data.


Usage: env = pyana.event.Env(jobName="pyana", hmgr=None, subproc=False)

Creates environment object.


  • jobName – analysis job name, arbitrary string
  • hmgr – histogram manager object
  • subproc – flag which must be set to true when running in pyana sub-process

Objects of this type are created by pyana itself and end users do not need to create new instances.

Method epicsStore()

Usage: store = env.epicsStore()

This is the primary method for user code to access EPICS data. It returns event.EpicsStore object which can be used to retrieve the state of the individual EPICS channels.

Method getAcqConfig()

Usage: acqConfig = env.getAcqConfig(address)

Returns Acqiris configuration object for a given device address. If more than one object is matched by the parameters then first arbitrary object is returned. None is returned if no object is found.


Method getControlConfig()

Usage: opalConfig = This method is equivalent to env.getControlConfig()

Returns control.Config configuration object or None.

Method getOpal1kConfig

getConfig(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_Opal1kConfig, address).

Method getPnCCDConfig()

Usage: opalConfig pnccdConfig = env.getOpal1kConfiggetPnCCDConfig(address)

Returns Opal1k pnCCD configuration object for a given device address. If more than one object is matched by the parameters then first arbitrary object is returned. None is returned if no object is found.


This method is equivalent to env.getConfig(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_pnCCDconfig, address).




Usage: pnccdConfig onfig = env.getPnCCDConfiggetPrincetonConfig(address)

Returns pnCCD Princeton configuration object for a given device address. If more than one object is matched by the parameters then first arbitrary object is returned. None is returned if no object is found.


This method is equivalent to env.getConfig(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_PrincetonConfig, address).

Method hmgr()

Usage: hmgr = env.hmgr()

Returns histogram manager object of type pyana.histo.HistoManager*.

Method jobName()

Usage: jobName = env.jobName()

Returns analysis job name string.

Method jobNameSub()

Usage: jobName = env.jobNameSub()

Returns process-specific analysis job name string. In case of multi-processing job it will a string in format "jobName-procNum" where procNum is a number returned by subprocess(). In case of single-process job it will return the same string as jobName().

Method mkfile()

Usage: file = env.mkfile(filename, mode='w', bufsize=-1)

Opens file for writing output data. This is pyana's alternative for Python open() function which supports multi-processing. If user needs the data in this file to be merged with the files produced by other processes then mkfile() has to be used in place of open().


  • filename – output file name
  • mode – open mode, currently any "w*" modes are supported
  • bufsize – output buffer size, default is to use Python's default

In case of single-process job this method is equivalent to a regular Python open() method. In case of multi-processing when this method is called from a sub-process then the file is created somewhere in a temporary location (with unique name). At the end of the job files from all sub-processes are merged into one file with name filename and the temporary files are deleted.

Method subprocess()

Usage: num = env.subprocess()

Returns sub-process number. In case of multi-processing job it will be a non-negative number ranging from 0 to a total number of sub-processes. In case of single-process job it will return -1.

Method result()

Usage: data = env.result()

Method used by pyana to extract the data produced by a single sub-process in multi-processing setup. Not to be used by end users.

Method update()

Usage: env.update(evt)

This method updates environment contents with selected data from event object. This is equivalent to calling env.updateEpics() and env.updateConfig().


  • evt – event object of type event.Event

This method is not supposed to be called from user code, pyana takes care of all updates itself.




Class pyana.event.Env

Instance of this class is a container for all sorts of environment data.


Usage: env = pyana.event.Env(jobName="pyana", hmgr=None, subproc=False)

Creates environment object.


  • jobName – analysis job name, arbitrary string
  • hmgr – histogram manager object
  • subproc – flag which must be set to true when running in pyana sub-process

Objects of this type are created by pyana itself and end users do not need to create new instances.

Method epicsStore()

Usage: store = env.epicsStore()

This is the primary method for user code to access EPICS data. It returns event.EpicsStore object which can be used to retrieve the state of the individual EPICS channels.

Method getConfig()

Wiki Markup
Usage: {{onfig = env.getConfig(_typeId_, \[_address_\])}}

This is a generic method for finding a configuration object of given type. If address is not given or is not very specific then the first matching object is returned.


Method getAcqConfig()

Usage: acqConfig = env.getAcqConfig(address)

Returns Acqiris configuration object for a given device address. If more than one object is matched by the parameters then first arbitrary object is returned. None is returned if no object is found.


This method is equivalent to env.getConfig(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_AcqConfig, address).

Method getOpal1kConfig()

Usage: opalConfig = env.getOpal1kConfig(address)

Returns Opal1k




Usage: env.



This method


copies configuration objects from event object into environment.


  • evt – event object of type event.Event

This method is not supposed to be called from user code, pyana takes care of all updates itself.




Usage: env.



This method


updates environment EPICS data from event object




This method is not supposed to be called from user code, pyana takes care of all updates itself.




Class pyana.event.EpicsStore

Instance of this class contains current status of all EPICS channels. It is updated from event data on every new event.


Usage: store = pyana.event.EpicsStore()

Creates EPICS store object.

Objects of this type are created by pyana itself and end users do not need to create new instances.

Method update()

Usage: store.update(evt)

This method updates environment EPICS data from event object.


This method is not supposed to be called from user code, pyana takes care of all updates itself.

Method value()

Usage epics = store.value(name)

Returns current value of the EPICS channel with the given name. The type of returned data is either epics.EpicsPvCtrl or epics.EpicsPvTime.


  • name – name of the EPICS channel

This is the primary method to access EPICS information in pyana jobs.
