Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Class _pdsdata.evr.PulseConfigV3

Python wrapper for pdsdata/evr/PulseConfigV3 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method pulseId()

Usage: val = config.pulseId()

Returns integer number.

Method polarity()

Usage: val = config.polarity()

Returns Boolean value.

Method prescale()

Usage: val = config.prescale()

Returns integer number.

Method delay()

Usage: val = config.delay()

Returns integer number.

Method width()

Usage: val = config.width()

Returns integer number.



Module _pdsdata.fccd

This module contains classes corresponding to those in C++ pdsdata/fccd package.



Class _pdsdata.fccd.FccdConfigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/fccd/FccdConfigV1 class.

Enum Depth

This enum is an embedded type of FccdConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • ConfigV1.Depth.Sixteen_bit

Enum Output_Source

This enum is an embedded type of FccdConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • ConfigV1.Output_Source.Output_FIFO
  • ConfigV1.Output_Source.Output_Pattern4


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method width()

Usage: val = config.width()

Returns integer number.

Method height()

Usage: val = config.height()

Returns integer number.

Method trimmedWidth()

Usage: val = config.trimmedWidth()

Returns integer number.

Method trimmedHeight()

Usage: val = config.trimmedHeight()

Returns integer number.

Method outputMode()

Usage: val = config.outputMode()

Returns integer number.

Method size()

Usage: val = config.size()

Returns integer number.



Module _pdsdata.ipimb

This module contains classes corresponding to those in C++ pdsdata/ipimb package.



Class _pdsdata.ipimb.ConfigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/ipimb/ConfigV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method triggerCounter()

Usage: val = config.triggerCounter()

Returns integer number.

Method serialID()

Usage: val = config.serialID()

Returns integer number.

Method chargeAmpRange()

Usage: val = config.chargeAmpRange()

Returns integer number.

Method calibrationRange()

Usage: val = config.calibrationRange()

Returns integer number.

Method resetLength()

Usage: val = config.resetLength()

Returns integer number.

Method resetDelay()

Usage: val = config.resetDelay()

Returns integer number.

Method chargeAmpRefVoltage()

Usage: val = config.chargeAmpRefVoltage()

Returns floating number.

Method calibrationVoltage()

Usage: val = config.calibrationVoltage()

Returns floating number.

Method diodeBias()

Usage: val = config.diodeBias()

Returns floating number.

Method status()

Usage: val = config.status()

Returns integer number.

Method errors()

Usage: val = config.errors()

Returns integer number.

Method calStrobeLength()

Usage: val = config.calStrobeLength()

Returns integer number.

Method trigDelay()

Usage: val = config.trigDelay()

Returns integer number.




Class _pdsdata.ipimb.DataV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/ipimb/DataV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method triggerCounter()

Usage: val = config.triggerCounter()

Returns integer number.

Method config0()

Usage: val = config.config0()

Returns integer number.

Method config1()

Usage: val = config.config1()

Returns integer number.

Method config2()

Usage: val = config.config2()

Returns integer number.

Method channel0()

Usage: val = config.channel0()

Returns integer number.

Method channel1()

Usage: val = config.channel1()

Returns integer number.

Method channel2()

Usage: val = config.channel2()

Returns integer number.

Method channel3()

Usage: val = config.channel3()

Returns integer number.

Method checksum()

Usage: val = config.checksum()

Returns integer number.



Module _pdsdata.opal1k




Class _pdsdata.opal1k.ConfigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/opal1k/ConfigV1 class.


  • LUT_Size
  • Row_Pixels
  • Column_Pixels

Enum Depth

This enum is an embedded type of ConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • ConfigV1.Depth.Eight_bit
  • ConfigV1.Depth.Ten_bit
  • ConfigV1.Depth.Twelve_bit

Enum Binning

This enum is an embedded type of ConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • ConfigV1.Binning.x1
  • ConfigV1.Binning.x2
  • ConfigV1.Binning.x4
  • ConfigV1.Binning.x8

Enum Mirroring

This enum is an embedded type of ConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • ConfigV1.Mirroring.None
  • ConfigV1.Mirroring.HFlip
  • ConfigV1.Mirroring.VFlip
  • ConfigV1.Mirroring.HVFlip


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method black_level()

Usage: val = config.black_level()

Returns offset/pedestal setting for camera (before gain) as integer number.

Method gain_percent()

Usage: val = config.gain_percent()

Wiki Markup
Returns camera gain setting in percentile (\[100-3200\] = \[1x-32x\]) as integer number.

Method output_offset()

Usage: val = config.output_offset()

Returns offset/pedestal value in pixel counts as integer number.

Method output_resolution()

Usage: val = config.output_resolution()

Returns bit-depth of pixel counts as enum ConfigV1.Depth.

Method output_resolution_bits()

Usage: val = config.output_resolution_bits()

Returns bit-depth of pixel counts (in actual bits).

Method vertical_binning()

Usage: val = config.vertical_binning()

Returns vertical re-binning of output (consecutive rows summed) as enum ConfigV1.Binning.

Method output_mirroring()

Usage: val = config.output_mirroring()

Returns geometric transformation of the image as enum ConfigV1.Mirroring.

Method vertical_remapping()

Usage: val = config.vertical_remapping()

Returns Boolean, true: remap the pixels to appear in natural geometric order (left->right, top->bottom), false: pixels appear on dual taps from different rows (left->right, top->bottom) alternated with (left->right, bottom->top) pixel by pixel.

Method defect_pixel_correction_enabled()

Usage: val = config.defect_pixel_correction_enabled()

Returns Boolean value.

Method output_lookup_table_enabled()

Usage: val = config.output_lookup_table_enabled()

Returns Boolean value.

Method output_lookup_table()

Usage: val = config.output_lookup_table()

Returns output lookup table as NumPy array, elements of array are unsigned numbers.

Method number_of_defect_pixels()

Usage: val = config.number_of_defect_pixels()

Returns defective pixel count.

Method defect_pixel_coordinates()

Usage: val = config.defect_pixel_coordinates()

Returns list of defective pixel coordinates, elements of the list have type camera.FrameCoord.

Method size()

Usage: val = config.size()

Returns total size of this structure.




Class _pdsdata.pnccd.ConfigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/pnCCD/ConfigV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method numLinks()

Usage: val = config.numLinks()

Returns number of links.

Method payloadSizePerLink()

Usage: val = config.payloadSizePerLink()

Returns data size per link.




Class _pdsdata.pnccd.FrameV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/pnCCD/FrameV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method specialWord()

Usage: val = frame.specialWord()

Returns integer number.

Method frameNumber()

Usage: val = frame.frameNumber()

Returns integer number.

Method timeStampHi()

Usage: val = frame.timeStampHi()

Returns integer number.

Method timeStampLo()

Usage: val = frame.timeStampLo()

Returns integer number.

Method next()

Usage: val =

Returns next frame object or None.


Method data()

Usage: val =

Returns frame data as NumPy 2-dimensional array of integers of size 512x512.


Method sizeofData()

Usage: val = frame.sizeofData(config)

Returns integer number.





Class _pdsdata.pulnix.TM6740ConfigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/pulnix/TM6740ConfigV1 class.


  • Row_Pixels
  • Column_Pixels

Enum Depth

This enum is an embedded type of TM6740ConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TM6740ConfigV1.Depth.Eight_bit
  • TM6740ConfigV1.Depth.Ten_bit

Enum Binning

This enum is an embedded type of TM6740ConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TM6740ConfigV1.Binning.x1
  • TM6740ConfigV1.Binning.x2
  • TM6740ConfigV1.Binning.x4

Enum LookupTable

This enum is an embedded type of TM6740ConfigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TM6740ConfigV1.LookupTable.Gamma
  • TM6740ConfigV1.LookupTable.Linear


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method vref()

Usage: val = config.vref()

Returns integer number.

Method gain_a()

Usage: val = config.gain_a()

Returns integer number.

Method gain_b()

Usage: val = config.gain_b()

Returns integer number.

Method gain_balance()

Usage: val = config.gain_balance()

Returns Boolean value.

Method shutter_width()

Usage: val = config.shutter_width()

Returns integer number.

Method output_resolution()

Usage: val = config.output_resolution()

Returns bit-depth of pixel counts as enum TM6740ConfigV1.Depth.

Method output_resolution_bits()

Usage: val = config.output_resolution_bits()

Returns bit-depth of pixel counts (in actual bits).

Method horizontal_binning()

Usage: val = config.horizontal_binning()

Returns horizontal re-binning of output (consecutive columns summed) as enum TM6740ConfigV1.Binning.

Method vertical_binning()

Usage: val = config.vertical_binning()

Returns vertical re-binning of output (consecutive rows summed) as enum TM6740ConfigV1.Binning.

Method lookuptable_mode()

Usage: val = config.lookuptable_mode()

Returns output lookup table corrections as enum TM6740ConfigV1.LookupTable.




Class pypdsdata.acqiris.DataDescV1

This class overrides several methods in the corresponding _pdsdata.acqiris.DataDescV1 class to simplify user API.


Usage: dd = DataDescV1(orig, hcfg, vcfg)


Method nbrSamplesInSeg()

Usage: nsampl = dd.nbrSamplesInSeg()

Returns integer number.

Method nbrSegments()

Usage: nseg = dd.nbrSegments()

Returns integer number.

Method timestamp()

Usage: ts = dd.timestamp(segment)

Returns object of acqiris.TimestampV1 type.


  • segment - segment number

Method waveform()

Usage: wf = dd.waveform()

Returns waveform array of numpy.ndarray type.

Method timestamps()

Usage: ts = dd.timestamps()

Returns NumPy array of timestamps (floating numbers). First element of array is always 0, other elements are equidistant with the distance and number of intervals determined by acqiris.HorizV1 object.




Class pypdsdata.pnccd.FrameV1

This class overrides several methods in the corresponding _pdsdata.pnccd.FrameV1 class to simplify user API. In particular it merges four images from PnCCD into one larger image.


Usage: frame = FrameV1(frames, config)


Method specialWord()

Usage: val = frame.specialWord()

Returns integer number.

Method frameNumber()

Usage: val = frame.frameNumber()

Returns integer number.

Method timeStampHi()

Usage: val = frame.timeStampHi()

Returns integer number.

Method timeStampLo()

Usage: val = frame.timeStampLo()

Returns integer number.

Method data()

Usage: val =

Returns frame data as NumPy 2-dimensional array of integers of size 1024x1024.

Method sizeofData()

Usage: val = frame.sizeofData()

Returns integer number.