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Class EpicsPvCtrl

Python wrapper for pdsdata/epics/EpicsPvCtrl<T> classes.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Property iPvId

Usage: val = data.iPvId

Returns PV ID as integer number.

Property iDbrType

Usage: val = data.iDbrType

Returns one of the DBR_CTRL_<TYPE> constants.

Property iNumElements

Usage: val = data.iNumElements

Returns size of PV array.

Property sPvName

Usage: val = data.sPvName

Returns PV name.

Property status

Usage: val = data.status

Returns status as integer number. Value can be used as an index into epics.epicsAlarmConditionStrings list. Status 0 means success.

Property severity

Usage: val = data.severity

Returns severity as integer number. Value can be used as an index into epics.epicsAlarmSeverityStrings list. Severity 0 means success.

Property precision

Usage: val = data.precision

Returns precision of the floating point data as number of decimal digits. For non-floating types precision is None.

Property units

Usage: val = data.units

String describing physical units, None for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property upper_disp_limit

Usage: val = data.upper_disp_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property lower_disp_limit

Usage: val = data.lower_disp_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property upper_alarm_limit

Usage: val = data.upper_alarm_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property upper_warning_limit

Usage: val = data.upper_warning_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property lower_warning_limit

Usage: val = data.lower_warning_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property lower_alarm_limit

Usage: val = data.lower_alarm_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property upper_ctrl_limit

Usage: val = data.upper_ctrl_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property lower_ctrl_limit

Usage: val = data.lower_ctrl_limit

One of the EPICS data data limits, type is determined by PV type, None returned for ENUM and STRING PV types.

Property no_str

Usage: val = data.no_str

Number of ENUM states, None for non-enum PV types.

Property strs

Usage: val = data.strs

List of ENUM states, None for non-enum PV types.

Property value

Usage: val = data.value

PV value, always a single value, for arrays it is first element. Type of the value is determined by PV type.

Property values

Usage: val = data.values

List of PV values of size data.iNumElements. Type of the values is determined by PV type.




Class EpicsPvTime

Python wrapper for pdsdata/epics/EpicsPvTime<T> classes.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Property iPvId

Usage: val = data.iPvId

Returns PV ID as integer number.

Property iDbrType

Usage: val = data.iDbrType

Returns one of the DBR_CTRL_<TYPE> constants.

Property iNumElements

Usage: val = data.iNumElements

Returns size of PV array.

Property status

Usage: val = data.status

Returns status as integer number. Value can be used as an index into epics.epicsAlarmConditionStrings list. Status 0 means success.

Property severity

Usage: val = data.severity

Returns severity as integer number. Value can be used as an index into epics.epicsAlarmSeverityStrings list. Severity 0 means success.

Property stamp

Usage: val = data.stamp

EPICS timestamp value of type epics.epicsTimeStamp.

Property value

Usage: val = data.value

PV value, always a single value, for arrays it is first element. Type of the value is determined by PV type.

Property values

Usage: val = data.values

List of PV values of size data.iNumElements. Type of the values is determined by PV type.




Class epicsTimeStamp

Python wrapper for pdsdata/epics/epicsTimeStamp class. In addition to methods described here the class also defines __hash__ and __cmp__ methods based on the content of the object and can be used as a key in the dictionaries.


Wiki Markup
Usage: {{ts = epics.epicsTimeStamp(\[_sec_, \[_nsec_\]\])}}


  • sec – number of seconds since Jan 1, 1990 00:00
  • nsec – nanoseconds within second

Property secPastEpoch

Usage: val = ts.secPastEpoch

Returns number of seconds since Jan 1, 1990 00:00.

Property nsec

Usage: val = ts.nsec

Returns nanoseconds within second.