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Class ConfigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/acqiris/ConfigV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method nbrConvertersPerChannel()

Usage: num = cfg.nbrConvertersPerChannel()

Returns integer number.

Method channelMask()

Usage: mask = cfg.channelMask()

Returns integer number.

Method nbrChannels()

Usage: num = cfg.nbrChannels()

Returns integer number.

Method nbrBanks()

Usage: num = cfg.nbrBanks()

Returns integer number.

Method horiz()

Usage: hconfig = cfg.horiz()

Returns object of acqiris.HorizV1 type.

Method trig()

Usage: trig = cfg.trig()

Returns object of acqiris.TrigV1 type.

Method vert()

Usage: vconfig = cfg.vert(channel)

Returns object of acqiris.VertV1 type.


  • channel – channel number



Class DataDescV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/acqiris/DataDescV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method nbrSamplesInSeg()

Usage: nsampl = dd.nbrSamplesInSeg()

Returns integer number.

Method nbrSegments()

Usage: nseg = dd.nbrSegments()

Returns integer number.

Method indexFirstPoint()

Usage: idx = dd.indexFirstPoint()

Returns integer number.

Method timestamp()

Usage: ts = dd.timestamp(segment)

Returns object of acqiris.TimestampV1 type.


  • segment - segment number

Method waveform()

Usage: wf = dd.waveform(hconfig)

Returns waveform arry array of numpy.ndarray type.


  • hconfig - object of acqiris.HorizV1 type

Method nextChannel()

Usage: nextdd = dd.nextChannel(hconfig)

Returns data object of acqiris.DataDescV1 type for next channel or None after the last channel.


  • hconfig - object of acqiris.HorizV1 type



Class TimestampV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/acqiris/TimestampV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Method pos()

Usage: pos= ts.pos()

Returns floating number.

Method value()

Usage: value = ts.value()

Returns integer number.




Class TrigV1

Python wrapper for pdsdata/acqiris/TrigV1 class.


This class cannot be instantiated directly, methods of other classes return instances of this type.

Enum Coupling

This enum is an embedded type of TrigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TrigV1.Coupling.DC
  • TrigV1.Coupling.AC
  • TrigV1.Coupling.HFreject
  • TrigV1.Coupling.DC50ohm
  • TrigV1.Coupling.AC50ohm

Enum Slope

This enum is an embedded type of TrigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TrigV1.Slope.Positive
  • TrigV1.Slope.Negative
  • TrigV1.Slope.OutOfWindow
  • TrigV1.Slope.IntoWindow
  • TrigV1.Slope.HFDivide
  • TrigV1.Slope.SpikeStretcher

Enum Source

This enum is an embedded type of TrigV1 class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • TrigV1.Source.Internal
  • TrigV1.Source.External

Method coupling()

Usage: coupling = trig.coupling()

Returns enum of TrigV1.Coupling type.

Method input()

Usage: input = trig.input()

Returns enum of TrigV1.Source type.

Method slope()

Usage: slope = trig.slope()

Returns enum of TrigV1.Slope type.

Method level()

Usage: level = trig.level()

Returns floating number.