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Class Sequence

Python wrapper for pdsdata/xtc/Sequence class.

Enum Type

This enum is an embedded type of Sequence class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • Sequence.Type.Event
  • Sequence.Type.Occurrence
  • Sequence.Type.Marker


This class cannot be instantiated directly, it is instantiated by some other classes, e.g. by Dgram.seq property.

Method type()

Usage: type = seq.type()

Returns the type of this sequence, one of Sequence.Type.* values.

Method service()

Usage: svc = seq.service()

Returns the transition type as object of xtc.TransitionId type.

Method isExtended()

Usage: val = seq.isExtended()

Returns True for extended sequence.

Method isEvent()

Usage: val = seq.isEvent()

Returns True for event sequence.

Method clock()

Usage: clock = seq.clock()

Returns clock value for sequence as an object of xtc.ClockTime type.

Method stamp()

Usage: stamp = seq.stamp()

Returns timestamp value for sequence as an object of xtc.TimeStamp type.



Class TimeStamp

Python wrapper for pdsdata/xtc/TimeStamp class. In addition to methods described here the class also defines __hash__ and __cmp__ methods based on the content of the object and can be used as a key in the dictionaries.


Wiki Markup
Usage: {{ts = xtc.TimeStamp(_ticks_, _fiducials_, _vector_, \[_control_\])}}

Creates new instance of this type. All arguments are of integer type and have the same meaning as in corresponding C++ constructor.

Method ticks()

Usage: ticks = ts.ticks()

Returns the ticks value as integer number.

Method fiducials()

Usage: fiducials = ts.fiducials()

Returns the fiducials value as integer number.

Method control()

Usage: control = ts.control()

Returns the control value as integer number.

Method vector()

Usage: vector = ts.vector()

Returns the vector value as integer number.