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Class DetInfo

Python wrapper for pdsdata/xtc/DetInfoclassDetInfo class. Unlike C++ this class does not inherit from Src class (Src class does not exist in this module) but uses dynamic Python features to implement the same interface as in Src class. In addition to methods described here the class also defines __hash__ and __cmp__ methods based on the content of the object and can be used as a key in the dictionaries.

Enum Detector

This enum is an embedded type of DetInfo class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • DetInfo.Detector.NoDetector
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoIms
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoGasdet
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoETof
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoITof
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoMbes
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoVmi
  • DetInfo.Detector.AmoBps
  • DetInfo.Detector.Camp
  • DetInfo.Detector.EpicsArch
  • DetInfo.Detector.BldEb
  • DetInfo.Detector.NumDetector

Enum Device

This enum is an embedded type of DetInfo class. Following enum members are defined currently:

  • DetInfo.Device.NoDevice
  • DetInfo.Device.Evr
  • DetInfo.Device.Acqiris
  • DetInfo.Device.Opal1000
  • DetInfo.Device.TM6740
  • DetInfo.Device.pnCCD
  • DetInfo.Device.NumDevice


Usage: det = xtc.DetInfo(processId, detector, detId, device, devId)


  • processId – integer number
  • detector – one of the DetInfo.Detector enum values
  • detId – detector ID as integer number
  • device – one of the DetInfo.Device enum values
  • devId – device ID as integer number

Method level()

Usage: lvl = det.level()

Returns enum value of type xtc.Level which defines source level.

Method log()

Usage: log = det.log()

Returns logical address of data source as integer number.

Method phy()

Usage: phy = det.phy()

Returns physical address of data source as integer number.

Method processId()

Usage: processId = det.processId()

Returns process ID as integer number.

Method detector()

Usage: detector = det.detector()

Returns detector enum which is a value of DetInfo.Detector.

Method device()

Usage: device = det.device()

Returns device enum which is a value of DetInfo.Device.

Method detId()

Usage: detId = det.detId()

Returns detector ID as integer number.

Method devId()

Usage: devId = det.devId()

Returns device ID as integer number.



Class Dgram

Python wrapper for pdsdata/xtc/Dgram class.


Usage: dg = xtc.Dgram(buffer)

One of the ways to create Dgram objects is from a Python buffer objects.


  • buffer – any object that implements buffer interface

Method env()

Usage: env = dg.env()

Returns the env field as an integer number.

Method seq()

Usage: seq = dg.seq()

Returns the seq field as an object of type xtc.Seq.

Method xtc()

Usage: x = dg.xtc()

Returns top-level Xtc as object of type xtc.Xtc.