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It is based on a analysis package developed by J. Sjolin (Stockholm University) and P. Hansson.


A slightly more detailed description is given below.

Short technical description

The core of the framework is in the /core directory.

The main idea The goal is to have a tool that is quick and easy to install and run to facilitate large numebr of iterations as usually needed when doing analysis. common description of an event even though different ntuples may be used. This class is called AtlEvent and can be found in the core/ directory and contains electrons, jets, muons, etc.

The AtlEvent is built using the BuildEvent() function which uses the interface function copy_to_interface() to get information from the ntuple. The copy_to_interface() is a derived function implemented in each new ntuple description class called FileEvent in order to handle the difference between ntuple variable names. Since all FileEvent derives from a base class (EventSrc) all subsequent steps are the same independent of the ntuple used. This is how the ntuple content is decoupled from your analysis and when you want to run your analysis on a new ntuple you only need to make sure that the copy_to_interface() is working properly to build your event.

The analysis is done using "Topology" classes which all derive from a base class Topology_base which contain many useful functions to grab content of your AtlEvent.

The loop over your events is done using Topology_event which derives from Topology_base but in addition contain the functions to looper over your events loop_src() and to add the input root files add_mc_sample() and add_src_list.

Since this is supposed to be a lightweight framework with focus on quick compilation and running the compilation is done automatically when you run your topology. This is handled by the "steering" macro ana.C which is in your topology directory (see example in topologies/example. The various classes are compiled, loaded, analysis classes are added and finally the event loop is executed.


The code is in SVN and can be found by doing:

phansson@pcphuat27]/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% svn co svn+ssh://



an example

In order to run on the example you need a ntuple. This example runs on ntuples in e.g.:
If you run on pcphuat27 then you don't need to manipulate the filelists as described below:

  1. Open flatana/filelist/filelist.txt and change the path (top line) and directory name to match your own paths.

All the needed compilations are done automatically in the main root macro ana.C.

There is an example analysis/topology class in the topologies/example/ directory to start from:
phansson@pcphuat27/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag% cd flatana/trunk/topologies/example

The analysis class Topology_l2rate is already scheduled to be run with the analysis script To run 10 events the example and create some plots do:
phansson@pcphuat27/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% ./ l2rate 10


example 10

This should produce root files containing some basic histograms and a log file with event statistics. Have a look at the next section to get more info on what was going on and how to use a generic ntuple.

Run example over your own NTuple

In order to run over your own ntuple you need only to create a new FileEvent:


  1. Copy the declarations of variables and branches to FileEvent_trg.h (as private members).
  2. Copy only the initialization of the variables and SetBranchAddress from the Init(TTree *tree) function to the function SetBranches() in FileEvent_trg.cxx (Note again that only the initialization of variables and SetBranchAddress() should be copied)
  3. Open FileEvent_trg.cxx and FileEvent_trg.h and search and replace template with trg

The last step is to schedule this to be recognized in the main macro. Open ana.C:main macro to run is the ana.C which takes care of compiling the needed dependencies, loading the chosen configurations, adding the analyses/topologies and finally executing the event loop. To make sure that your new ntuple will be used you need to open ana.C and edit it:

  1. Find the line /***** ADD YOUR OWN NTUPLE TYPE BELOW and make sure that your new FileEvent class is compiled.
  2. Find the line /****** ADD YOUR OWN FILEEVENT NTUPLE FORMAT BELOW ******/ and make sure that your FileEvent class is loaded (the string in the file list name given as argument is used to determine what file type should be used)
  3. step
  4. step
  5. step

Now you are ready to run. There is a help script to submit many jobs:
phansson@pcphuat27/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% ./ l2rate 10And you can also start via rootUse the simple helper script which is good to schedule several jobs at the same time as in the example above or run directly in ROOT:

phansson@pcphuat27/u1/phansson/jetmetbtag/flatana/trunk/topologies/example% root -l
root 0 .L ana.C
root 1 ana(14,"enbiastt.trg",10)
root 1 ana(14,"tt",10)

This should produce some histograms and log files.

Adding you own analysis class

In the topologies/example folder there is an example class to start from Topology_l2rate. It is recommended to make a new directory e.g. topologies/yourdirectory in order to submit everything seamless to svn if needed. You can copy the example directory.

Edit the new topology .eg. Topology_test by adding new histograms, cuts, etc, see below for more details. The only change you need to do in order to run this class is to add this topology to the main macro ana.C:

  1. Find the line /***** ADD YOUR OWN TOPOLOGY TYPE BELOW and make sure that Topology_test class is compiled and added.

The first argument in the add_topology() function has to be unique and will be added to all output files.


Many things are configurable. The configuration files are rather self-explanatoty and an example can be found in topologies/example/l2bjetrate.config. Most of the selections are turned off if set to 0. Some example configurations are:

  • Choose luminosity
  • Object Dr cut definition for matching using automated functions
  • Overlap removal of electron/jet/muons (See do_overlap() in AtlEvent.cxx))
  • Electron,muon,jet,tau definitions

File list

The file list is where the samples you are using are defined. An example file list is in flatana/filelists/filelist.txt.. The nice thing is that scale factors and cross-sections is directly given in a straightforward way. The first line contains the base path to your data directory. The follow lines then defines a set of sub-directories for each sample:

name K-factor cross-sectionpb subpath/to/filedirectory

Note that all root files in that directory will be assumed to contain the TTree.