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XAL is intended to provide much of the code-base of new applications of the LCLS. Until the XAL modeling environment is ready for use we're going to use the SLC modeling environment to model the optics of the LCLS injection. However, this need not stop us developing and deploying XAL based modeling applications (such as emittance measurement); since XAL uses an input XML file for both lattice description and to store the Twiss parameters following tracking, and it is this combined output file which is used as input by XAL applications, we can take an input XAL beamline description file, and insert the correct Twiss parameters from a corresponding model run on SLC via AIDA. See Fig Figure 3. The resulting output file can be used by XAL applications before the XAL model system is ready.

Non-XAL unix based applications in general (eg matlab) can also be developed ahead of the XAL modeling environment using Aida to get R-matrices and Twiss parameters etc from the SLC model environment.

Figure 3
Image Modified



Eclipse includes an excellent facility for developing extensions to the basic Rich Client Platform. Eclipse is itself composed of a hierarchical system of plugins. Programmers can develop plugins adding their functionality (for instance an orbit correction plugin). The plugin self-describes the precise versioning requirements it has with the plugins on which it builds. Eclipse includes a facility for distributing plugins via an update site. This provides a framework in which we can develop and distribute new code, both internally and externally with the "EPICS Office collaboration" (plus XAL if we wrap XAL as an Eclipse plugin).

Proposal: develop new applications assuming JFC/Swing. If the first couple are not performing adequately, convert to SWT/Jface. Use Eclipse as a launching platform.




x86 Linux RH, KDE/GTK-2 window system

(Native) Desktop O/S for applications. Note, Windows is NOT listed. As described in the architecture Windows clients will go through X11 See X11. x86 and GTK-2 specification is important so performance can be tuned.


Ad-hoc analysis: acquiring data through aida, jca and XAL, performing computation and implementing results. Acquire hist data through Aida.
Physics Applications: apps may be implemented directly in Matlab using above tools, plus Accelerator Toolkit (AT) #inv_AT.


1) Modelling components (tracking); 2) OO device control, 3) Application framework, 4) Existing XAL applications.

Eclipse RPC

Integrated application launching. Rich Client Platform (RPC) for integrated applications shared with "EPICS Office" and gumtree.

Eclipse SWT/Jface

High performance Interactive Applications


Data Interoperability. Getting and setting device data. Aida can also get history and model data to unix apps from the SLC control system.

Jcmlog, cmlog, Err

Error handling, logging and browsing. See error handling.

Cvs, make

Source repository and building. Distribution by simple "install" to an AFS or mounted NFS directory. See Filesystem. Note not ANT (question)


Enterprise RDB. Stores the XAL geometry, and in architecture described here also the optics. Applications acquire optics from the db rather by tracking an XAL lattice at runtime.

OC4J or Jboss or Apache jakarta

Choose an Application Server. We're making heavy use of Oracle and XML, so displays based on contents of those datasources will go through an App server (AS). Pick one.


Programming Language

Linux, Solaris

Server Hosts O/S


Production Host Filesystem? See Filesystem


Development Host Filesystem
