Versions Compared


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  1. Eclipse external launching (epics EPICS displays, archive viewer, scp etc, and MCC SCP are shown launched, but many are available: eg matlab, xterms, DECterms on MCC, Elog, Physics Log).
  2. Eclipse launching external java SWT/Jface application (jcmlog shown in bottom right)
  3. Eclipse launching internal java SWT/Jface (same VM) application (aida probe shown bottom right)
  4. Eclipse launching external java JFC/Swing (XAL) application (NOT SHOWN YET)

Note that a list of common EPICS displays is directly accessible from the project window on the LHS.

Graphical User Interface Processes (GUI)

XAL will provide the overall lattice modeling framework, interface to device control, and one GUI framework (based on JFC/Swing). All the existing XAL applications can be provided by through "lips" such, such as Scan ("Correlation Plots"), SCORE ("configs"), XIO ("z-plots"), or just the XAL root application.

Additionally lips may include applications which use non-GUI the modelling and control aspects of XAL, but use some other GUI framework, such as matlab applications, or applications the that use SWT/Jface for implementing the user interface view and controls, for instance the jcmlog browser. These are run in a sub-process of the lips executable with no resource splitting.

The distinction the user sees between these applications is relatively minor as long as they are running on linux Linux to a local display, so window repaints are relatively fast for Swing based apps.

Additionally applications may be written which leverage the Eclipse Rich Client Platform, in which case they run in-process and in the same VM as Eclipse. A trivial example shown is the Aida probe shown in bottom left, which was started from the "Controls" menu.

See also Application Framework Architecture


Basic Model Environment: Geometry, Lattice, Optics

Model Optics refers to the process by which we get from a beamline designer's view of the accelerator (geometry and lattice), to the description of the transport system and optics (R-matrices and twiss parameters) used in online model based applications.

Use Case: Beamline A beamline physicist will provide MAD, Parmela or Elegant files 3. Some designated person will update the Oracle db DB with relevant information from these files, and run some process (presumably a SQL script) which outputs an XAL lattice input file in XML - the file containing the lattice description of the machine Test page. Given this input lattice file, software in the XAL package library can then be used by applications to compute optics (Twiss, R-matrices, etc), which they can then use to calculate bumps, orbit corrections, beta-match settings etc.


Non XAL unix based applications in general (eg matlab) can also be developed ahead of the XAL modeling environment using Aida to get R-matrices and Twiss parameters etc from the SLC model environment.



Application Framework and GUI Framework

This section outlines how components of XAL and the Eclipse RPC can be used together to produce GUI applications with responsive user interfaces on any platform.
