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An example for Track3P multipacting computation on a single field level. Field gradient: 97e+06

Code Block
TotalTime: 20  //total running time in RF cycles, default: 20 RF cycle

// If you don't give this block, it will use default value
ParticlesTrajectories:  // record particles' trajectory, only for running single
                        //field case
{   ParticleFile: p       // file name
    Skip: 10              // write file each 10 steps
    Start: 10             // start time step for writing file
    Stop: 100000          // stop time step for writing file

// Field level(V/m) / Port power(W)
  ScanToken: 0 // 1: scan, 0: no scan
  Scale: 97e+06  //field scale for particle trajectory

//Normalize field, only for closed waveguide case
  StartPoint: 0 0 0.0486225 //start point of the line for field integral calculation
  EndPoint: 0 0 0.2061 //end point of the line for field integral calculation

// Primary particles emission

  x0: -0.001
  x1: 0.001
  y0: 0.09
  y1: 0.12
  z0: -0.068
  z1: 0.068
  BoundaryID: 6
// Boundary Material
//Type Boundary type
//1 / Reflector
//2 / Absorber
//3 / Secondary
//4 / Primary
//5 / SymmetryPlane

  Type: Primary
  BoundarySurfaceID:  6  //Boundary surface ID

  Type: Secondary
  BoundarySurfaceID:  6  //Boundary surface ID

  Type: Absorber
  BoundarySurfaceID:  3 4 7 8  //Boundary surface ID
  Type: SymmetryPlane
  BoundarySurfaceID:  1 2  //Boundary surface ID

OutputImpacts: on
// Field information container
  PostprocessFile: ./vector1/

Postprocess: // multipacting postprocess
  Toggle: on // on: postprocess, off: no postprocess
  ResonantParticles: // postprocess for resonant particles
    Token: on // on: analysis resonant particles, no: no analysis is done for resonant particles


An example of multipacting simulation on a field level scan case

Code Block
ModelInfo: {

  File: cell.ncdf

// Field level(V/m) / Port power(W)
    MagneticScanToken: 1 3 4
    Impedance: 6
    Waveguide: 7 8

  SurfaceMaterial: {
    ReferenceNumber: 6
    Sigma: 5.8e7


Port : {
        Reference number: 7
        Origin:     0.0, 0.04105, 0.0
        XDirection: 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
        YDirection: 0.0, 0.0, -1.0
        ESolver: {
                Type: Analytic
                Mode: {
                        Waveguide type: Rectangular
                        Mode type: TE, 1, 0
                        A: 0.028499
                        B: 0.00895

Port : {
        Reference number: 8
        Origin:     0.0, -0.04105, 0.0
        XDirection: 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
        YDirection: 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
        ESolver:  {
                Type: Analytic
                Mode: {
                        Waveguide type: Rectangular
                        Mode type: TE, 1, 0
                        A: 0.028499
                        B: 0.00895

FiniteElement: {
  Order: 2
  CurvedSurfaces: on

FrequencyScan: {
 Start: 9.33e+9
 End:   9.48e+9
 Interval: 0.01e+9

PostProcess: {
  Toggle: off
  Port Number: 0 //input port
  ModeFile: field

VerifyLinearSolver: yes

LinearSolver: {
	Solver:	MUMPS

Specify lossy materials

Code Block

 ModelInfo: {
  File: tapereda.ncdf
  BoundaryCondition: {
    Magnetic: 1
    Electric: 2
    Exterior: 6
    Waveguide: 7
  Material : {
    Attribute: 1            //block 1 is vacuum
    Epsilon:   1.0
    Mu:        1.0
  Material : {
    Attribute: 2           //block 2 is lossy (cubit block)
    Epsilon:   3.0
    Mu:        1.0
    EpsilonImag: -5.4  //lossy material
 // 1: scan, 0: no scan
  Minimum: 1e+06
  Maximum: 100e+06

//Normalize field, only for closed waveguide case
  StartPoint: 0 0 0.0486225 //start point of the line for field integral calculation
  EndPoint: 0 0 0.2061 //end point of the line for field integral calculation

// Primary particles emission

  x0: -0.001
  x1: 0.001
  y0: 0.09
  y1: 0.12
  z0: -0.068
  z1: 0.068
  BoundaryID: 6

  Type: Primary
  BoundarySurfaceID:  6  //Boundary surface ID

  Type: Secondary
  BoundarySurfaceID:  6  //Boundary surface ID

  Type: Absorber
  BoundarySurfaceID:  3 4 7 8  //Boundary surface ID
  Type: SymmetryPlane
  BoundarySurfaceID:  1 2  //Boundary surface ID

OutputImpacts: on
// Field information container
  PostprocessFile: ./vector1/

Postprocess: // multipacting postprocess
  Toggle: on // on: postprocess, off: no postprocess
  ResonantParticles: // postprocess for resonant particles
    Token: on // on: analysis resonant particles, no: no analysis is done for resonant particles

A complete example with an absorbing boundary condition