Versions Compared


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  1. Obtain the source from /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/srcExtlibs/geant4-8.0.p01-gl4-src.tar.gz and unpack a geant4.8.0.p01 directory will be created.
  2. Enter the geant4.8.0.p01 directory and locate the Confgure script
  3. setenv G4_NO_VERBOSE 1
  4. Create a directory named "data"
  5. Run ./Configure -build
    1. OS: Linux Compiler:  g++
    2. Expect to run these binaries on multiple machines:  y
    3. You'll answer where the source is located
    4. Take default for where to install the libraries
    5. Copy all headers into one directory
    6. Store data in data directory
    7. Accept default directories
    8. Provide the locagtion of CLHEP
      Base Directory:  $GLAST_EXT/CLHEP/
    9. Build shared libraries
    10. Build static libraries too
    11. Build global libraries
    12. Do not build granular libraries
    13. Do not build in DEBUG
    14. G4UI_NONE  accept default n
    15. G4UI_BUILD_XAW_SESSION  accept default n
    16.  G4UI_BUILD_XM_SESSION  accept default n
    17.  G4VIS_NONE  accept default n
    18. G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLX_DRIVER  accept default n
    19. G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLXM_DRIVER  accept default n
    20. G4VIS_BULID_DAWN_DRIVER  accept default n
    21. G4VIS_BUILD_OIX_DRIVER  accept default n
    23. G4VIS_BUILD_VRML_DRIVER  Set to Yes
    24. G4LIB_BUILD_G3TOG4   Set to Yes
    25. G4LIB_BUILD_ZLIB   Set to Yes
    26. G4ANALYSIS_USE  Accept default n
  6.  In the lib/Linux-g++ directory:
    1. rename libG3toG4.* to libG4g3tog4.*
    2. rename libparmodels.* to libparameterisations.*
  7. Copy the following directories to the $GLAST_EXT/redhat4-i686-32bit-gcc34/geant4/8.0.p01-gl4/gcc34 directory