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(Original Author: Diane Fairley)
As I see it, we H2. still need research into:
Can and should we provide SLC History Data to LCLS? Effort Reqd?
Can and should we provde SLC model data to LCLS? Effort Reqd?
Making the XAL online model work for LCLS. Effort Reqd?
Making existing SNS XAL Applications work for LCLS. Effort Reqd?
Can and should we use Matlab, SSRL toolbox? Effort Reqd?
List of New applications we need to develop.
Priority order for all development - from Patrick once we have enough details from above


  1. What are the interfaces to the High Level Applications?
    1. Real time interface
      1. Data acquisition (BPMs, GADCs) provided by
        1. Channel Access,
        2. Java Channel Access,
        3. SCP via slc-aware IOC (BPMS, GADCs, toroids only, no wire scan data )
        4. (Greg) Aida will also do BPMs and magnets.
      2. Real-time Control, Setpoints, access via:
        1. Channel access,
        2. Java channel access
        3. SCP via Slc-aware IOC (BPMs, GADCs, toroids, magnets only)
    2. History Data from archives
      1. EPICS archives
        1. available through the EPICS channel archiver
      2. SLC History
        1. Is it useful to new applications?
          1. is there data that only SLC stores? RF? Patrick/Ron/Greg?
        2. Is it available to new applications?
          1. Aida? What effort required? Greg? (Greg: no effort, Aida already can retrieve both SLC and Archiver history data).
    3. Online Model
      1. XAL
        1. how it works with HiLevelApps See Paul Chu's talk - need an SNS contact?
        2. Needs additional elements: solenoid, acceleration, anything else?
        3. Any other development required to make it work for LCLS? (Greg: see comment)
      2. SLC - TBD Mark Woodley January?
        1. Can SLC model outputs be made available to new applications? Aida? Greg/Ron C.? (Greg: SLC model data is now available to new applications anywhere through Aida - already done).
          1. is this useful? (Greg: I think so, since we're going to be dependent on SLC modeling apps in the short term, including commissioning I think, LCLS operations are going to at the very least want to construct ad-hoc analysis in matlab using the model the machine is being optimized with. So they'll need to access the SLC model through matlab which on unix - Aida now provides this access). I'd say this at least is completely done and can be reliably integrated into LCLS's commissioning planning).
          2. how much effort reqd? (Greg: For SLC model access itself, none).
  1. What are the existing Applications?
    1. Existing SNS applications
      1. What has already been developed? - See Paul Chu's talk
      2. Assume they run on all platforms (java)
      3. Are they useful for LCLS?
      4. How much effort reqd to make them useful?
      5. How does SNS deliver updates/new versions?
    2. Matlab
      1. See SSRL accelerator toolbox - get a demo from SSRL, Greg coordinate?
        1. is it applicable to LCLS?
        2. what applications can we use?
        3. how much effort reqd to make them useful?
      2. Will we have new applications developed on Matlab entirely?
      3. How does SSRL use Matlab
        1. Run on local desktop? Via xterm from shared space?
        2. How is SSRL toolbox maintained? shared? Updated?
    3. SCP applications
      1. Anything using model and BPM.TORO, GADC data.
      2. Available as a backup
    4. New Java development
      1. Which apps require fully new development?
