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  1. Design of the setup and cooling box: Marco: DONE
  2. Fabrication of the setup/cooling box: Marco and Jim: to start on Monday 13 July.
    1. Marco is followong up on that.
  3. Fabrication of the micro carrier boards: Chris: being done. Do we have a planar sensor to assemble in the same way?to be done. Chris expects to finish the fab around the 24th of Juy. We were thinking to irradiate a planar sesor at the same time, but we don't have a planar ideal for this.
    1. ask Santa Cruz for a planar sensor: Su Dong.
  4. Test of the assemblies with TurboDAQ: Pelle/Philippe/Su Dong.
    1. Are calibration and threshold scans sufficient?: Yes and No: Ideally we would like to test with a radioactive source. A noise spectrum is of course mandatory.
    2. Can we use an external radioactive source?: Yes, it has been done at CERN by Pelle.
    3. Are all pixels supposed to be active so that one doesn't need to mask out those didn't bump to FE and just discard the data from uninstrumented region, or some pixel mask need to be prepared to allow the tests to run sensibly ?sensibl: that should work without any chanfe to the software.
    4. write down in detail a list of exactly what characterization tests we should be doing and documenting.
    5. Philippe: I propose that Pelle who has some experience takes care of the TurboDAQ tests.
  5. How do we measure/monitor the temperature inside the cooling box? Do we need to purchare temperature probes? How do we install them, and how do we read them out? Are the cables long enough to run up to the control room? Marco and Chris.
    1. Here we dediced to go for a simple approach: use a basic temp prode and read it out with a simple multimeter. There will be no automatic recording. We will have to have cables runing from the irradiation room to the control room. Marco and Mark are taking care of this part.
  6. Bias supplies to the sensors: how many do we need (1 for all sensors?): Chris.
    1. Do we have it/them? Can we install it in the irradiation room?
    2. Shouldn't we have some online current measurement and some way to record them with dose/time ?
    3. Initial idea was to set a constant bias voltage and not adjust it.
    4. We will use a single power supply for all sensors. We will increase the bias voltage with the fluence. The power supply will be located in the control, meaning that we need a cable between the irradiation and control rooms. The current will be monitored by the shifter but not automatically recorded. We need to find a power supply and do the splitting for the 7 sensors.
  7. How do we ship the mechanical support/cooling box and sensors to LANL? How long does it take to ship it?
    1. We discussed several options: driving, or put everything into a box and check it at the airport. We have a little time to decide the best option.
  8. Some of us will have to take classs on Monday morning. How do we register? Philippe contacted Martin Hoefferkamp.
    1. Martin said that once we are approved we should get an email from the Users Office to schedule the training. There is a morning session and an afternoon session.
  9. Installation of the setup on Monday 03, afternoon: Check with Martin: Philippe/Chris.
    1. Martin said that we cannot start installing anything before Tuesday 08:00am as there are other users before us.
  10. Align the assemblies with respect to the Cu shielding. All.
    1. how to verify the alignment is right ?
    2. Marco says aligment is no problem.
  11. Align overall support with respect to the beam. All.
    1. how to verify the alignment is right ?
    2. People at LANL are used to do that, so we should trust them.
  12. Decide on irradiation levels: assuming 7 assemblies are built, we should keep one un-irradiated, for reference. Proposal:
    1.   1 3D to 1E15
        2 3D to 5E15
        1 planar to 5E15
        1 3D to 10E15
        1 planar to 10E15 
        1 3D to 15E15  (this is probably sufficienct even for sLHC) .
  13. How is the accumulated dose measured? Do we just rely on the beam measurements (intensity and run time)? Can we have some foils located in the box near the sensors? LANL probably has some passive dosimeters.
  14. Irradiation steps: Irradiation steps: should all boards in to start then pulling ones out after reaching their dose, or gradually adding boards with smaller needed dose: probably start will all boards, for alignment reasons.
  15. Store sensors after irradiation for cooling down and ship them to SLAC (see below), together with the cooling box. The Cu block should stay there.
