Extend the IGRF model beyond 2024 in astro, to match the contents of IGRF-03-04-00.
Test procedure
Tests to compare the output of the astro package with the distributed fortran code from NOAA is here: Upgrading to IGRF 14 in the astro and IGRF packages (courtesy of Nicola)
Rollback procedure
No rollback is possible, as runs newer than 12/15/2024 won't process otherwise.
- the location is here:
- deleted delete the entire
package fromGlastRelease-20-10-04-gr07
, cloned clone it from git and checked check outastro-04-04-00
recompiled recompile astro in situ, with the following command:
Code Block /afs/slac/g/glast/applications/SCons/2.1.0/bin/scons -C GlastRelease --with-GLAST-EXT=/afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/redhat6-x86_64-64bit-gcc44 --site-dir=../SConsShared/site_scons --compile-opt astro