Versions Compared


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  1. As it is evident there are some mandatory fields , which mentioned in underline point  are required to make the TULIP work. Before adding you must check that you have everything in point (2a)
    1. hostName,ipv4Addr,enabled (1 or 0) ,latitude,longitude,serviceInterfaceType(PingER/PlanetLab),tracerouteURL and tulipTier
    2. Additionally we can also give city,country,state,institution etc
  2. Process for making change in database
    1. Login to tulip database (username and password available in escrow -c iepm iepmacct
    2. Change the database to tulip by cmd
    3. Code Block
      mysql> use tulip;
  3. Now insert new records using the following sql cmd; in this instance we are using ipv4Addr =; generally ipv4Addr is the primary key but we can also use hostName as an identifier to disable landmarks
  4. Code Block
    insert into landmarks (hostName,ipv4Addr,enabled,latitude,longitude,serviceInterfaceType,tracerouteURL,tulipTier)
    values ('','','1','53.55','10','PlanetLab','','1');
  5. Update Sites.xml so that it can now use the updated landmarks using follwing following cmd
    Code Block > /afs/slac/www/comp/net/wan-mon/tulip/sites.xml