Versions Compared


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To use one of the supported versions of MATLAB for development and configuration setup purposes, you need to set up your environment following follow the appropriate setup procedures (development & configuration purpose).

  • Development (MATLAB should be run on lcls-dev3 in DEV.

    Code Block
    $ source /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/setup/epicsenv-
    $ source /afs/slac/g/lcls/tools/oracle/oracleSetup-R11.2.0.4.bash
    $ export MATLAB_VER=<matlab_version>                                   # Currently supported MATLAB versions: 2020a, 2022b, 2023a
    $ export MLM_LICENSE_FILE="27010@license701,27010@license702,27010@license703"
    $ source /afs/slac/g/lcls/tools/matlab/setup/matlabSetup64.bash
    # Launch in desktop mode:
    $ LD_PRELOAD=${FACILITY_ROOT}/epics/base/R7.0.3.1-1.0/lib/rhel7-x86_64/ matlab &
    $ LD_PRELOAD=${FACILITY_ROOT}/epics/base/R7.0.3.1-1.0/lib/rhel7-x86_64/ /afs/slac/g/lcls/package/matlab/<matlab_version>/bin/matlab &     # If "matlab &" couldn't find the correct location, use the absolute path
    $ run_matlab.bash -m <matlab_version> -d           # ex)  run_matlab.bash -m 2023a -d  
    # Launch in terminal mode:
    $ run_matlab.bash -m <matlab_version>              # ex)  run_matlab.bash -m 2023a
  • Production (Run on softegr@lcls-srv01 or physics@lcls-ssrv01 in PROD. Do not run MATLAB instances on mcclogin.)

    Code Block
    $ source /usr/local/lcls/epics/epicsenv-
    $ source /usr/local/lcls/tools/oracle/oracleSetup-R11.2.0.4.bash
    $ export MATLAB_VER=<matlab_version>                                   # Currently supported MATLAB versions: 2020a, 2022b, 2023a
    $ source /usr/local/lcls/tools/matlab/setup/matlabSetup64.bash
    # Launch in desktop mode:
    $ LD_PRELOAD=${FACILITY_ROOT}/epics/base/R7.0.3.1-1.0/lib/rhel7-x86_64/ matlab &
    $ LD_PRELOAD=${FACILITY_ROOT}/epics/base/R7.0.3.1-1.0/lib/rhel7-x86_64/ /usr/local/lcls/package/matlab/<matlab_version>/bin/matlab &      # If "matlab &" couldn't find the correct location, use the absolute path
    $ run_matlab.bash -m <matlab_version> -d           # ex)  run_matlab.bash -m 2023a -d   
    # Launch in terminal mode:
    $ run_matlab.bash -m <matlab_version>              # ex)  run_matlab.bash -m 2023a
