Versions Compared


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Code Block
from psana import DataSource
ds#ds = DataSource(exp='tmoc00318',run=10, dir='/cds/data/psdm/prj/public01/xtc') # on pcds
ds = DataSource(exp='tmoc00318',run=10, dir='/sdf/data/lcls/ds/prj/public01/xtc')
orun = next(ds.runs())
det = orun.Detector('epix100')
for evt
    raw = det.raw.raw()


Code Block
titleoutput after the command > roicon -h
(ps-4.5.26) [dubrovin@psanagpu110:~/LCLS/con-lcls2]$ roicon 1 -g /cds/group/psdm/detector/data_test/geometry/ -i test-2d-mask.npy -t  -h

1) Construct 2-d image (or mask-of-segments) from ndarray with image shapedOR
(ps-4.5.26) [dubrovin@psanagpu110:~/LCLS/con-lcls2]$ roicon 1 -g /sdf/group/lcls/ds/ana/detector/data_test/geometry/ -i test-2d-mask.npy -t  -h

1) Construct 2-d image (or mask-of-segments) from ndarray with image shaped as data using appropriate geometry file
         roicon 1 -g <geometry-file> [-a (input)<ndarray-shaped-as-data-fname>] [-i <image-(output)file>] [-c <control-bitword>]
  ex1:   roicon 1 -g <geometry-fname>
  ex2:   roicon 1 -g <geometry-fname> -a <ndarray-shaped-as-data-fname>
  test:  roicon 1 -g /cds/group/psdm/detector/data_test/geometry/ -i test-2d-mask.npy -t

2) (TBD) Create ROI mask using mask editor "med" (DO NOT FORGET to save mask in file!)
         roicon 2 [-i <image-(input)file>] [-m <roi-mask-(output)file>]
  ex1,2: roicon 2
  ex3:   roicon 2 -i image.npy -m roi-mask.npy

3) Convert ROI mask to ndarray with mask shaped as data
         roicon 3 -g <geometry-file> [-m <roi-mask-(input)file>] [-n ndarray-with-mask-(output)-file] [-c <control-bitword>]
  ex1,2: roicon 3 -g <geometry-fname>
  test:  roicon 3 -g /cds/group/psdm/detector/data_test/geometry/ -m test-2d-mask.npy -n test-3d-mask.npy

Conversion between 2-d and 3-d masks.

positional arguments:
  args                  process number: 1-construct image, 2-run mask editor on image, 3-convert image mask to ndarray; default = 1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GFNAME, --gfname GFNAME
                        geometry file name, default = <geometry-fname>
  -a AFNAME, --afname AFNAME
                        input ndarray file name, default = None
  -i IFNAME, --ifname IFNAME
                        image file name, default = mask-img.txt
  -m MFNAME, --mfname MFNAME
                        ROI mask file name, default = mask-roi.txt
  -n NFNAME, --nfname NFNAME
                        ndarray mask file name, default = mask-nda.txt
  -c CBITS, --cbits CBITS
                        mask control bits, =0-none, +1-edges, +2-middle, etc..., default = 65535
  -v, --verb            verbosity, default = False
  -t, --dotest          add a couple of rings to the 2-d mask for test purpose, default = False
                        figure file name prefix under <dirrepo>/figs, None - do not save, default = fig
  -o DIRREPO, --dirrepo DIRREPO
                        repository for logs and output files, default = ./work-roicon
  -L LOGMODE, --logmode LOGMODE
                        logging mode, one of CRITICAL FATAL ERROR WARN WARNING INFO DEBUG NOTSET TRACE, default = INFO
  -k KWARGS, --kwargs KWARGS
                        str python code evaluated to dict and passed to geo.get_pixel_coord_indexes(**kwargs), default = {}
(ps-4.5.26) [dubrovin@psanagpu110:~/LCLS/con-lcls2]$

Test commands and plots

 default = {}
(ps-4.5.26) [dubrovin@psanagpu110:~/LCLS/con-lcls2]$

Test commands and plots

Code Block
titleTest commands
roicon 1 -g /cds/group/psdm/detector/data_test/geometry/ -i test-2d-mask.npy -t  # om pcds or
Code Block
titleTest commands
roicon 1 -g /cdssdf/group/lcls/ds/psdmana/detector/data_test/geometry/ -i test-2d-mask.npy -t   # om s3df
roicon 2 ... runs Mask Editor - TBD
roicon 3 -g /cdssdf/group/lcls/ds/psdmana/detector/data_test/geometry/ -m test-2d-mask.npy -n test-3d-mask.npy
