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TaskApplication/areaPerson(s) ResponsibleStatusPriorityNotesGitHub/CATER/etc
  •  Lucretia model server conversion
    •  python PVA service
    •  matlab interface class
    •  GUI conversion
GlobalCesar, Perez, BuschmannWIP1
  • 1/12/24: demo PVA server works, writing live/design Rs and twiss params, but matlab pvaGet not working yet. next step: document lucretia dependencies across matlabTNG to determine what the matlab interface needs to do
  • 1/23/24: matlab PVA access works with a python workaround (good enough for now, likely need a better long-term solution) Cesar prepped draft interface design document. reviewed high-priority GUI model uses. 
  • 2/8/24: PVA server is running but not deployed to prod yet. Drafting implementation of matlab class F2_ModelReceiver - once the lucretia functions GetRmats, RmatAtoB and GetTwiss are replicated we can proceed to test GUIs. Need to check w/ controls deputes to get some watcher PVs set up
  • 3/12/24: draft version of receiver on GitHub, testing for correctness and use by GUI controllers
  • 4/9/24: F2_ModelReceiver 0.1 version is ready for deployment, unfortunately the python models service has some errors in it, but the mechanics of the interface are mostly stable
  • 4/18/24: live model is currently starting from the gun, which produces very unrealistic twiss parameters. Need to start sim downstream at some treaty point
    • live model GUI gets marginally more realistic outputs starting from L0BFBEG, one option...
    • more realistic: take the latest PR10571 emittance measurement, back propagate to initial twiss at L0AFBEG – there are some kind of hooks in place for this already. but I'm not 100% on if they ever worked...
  •  LEM server + watcher conversion

Waiting on model server deployment

  • 3/13/24: current plan is to deploy a second PVA server that writes LEM EREF/EACT/BDES etc to an NTTTable, then the ModelReceiver can be updated in-kind to provide those quantities
    • python PVA will make it straightforward to build a LEM CUD

  •  New Phase scan GUI
    •  L0 phase scan automation
Phase ScansBuschmannWIP2

rudimentary functionality, needs with-beam test

update 05/06/24: tested with beam L0, L1 and L2-3 are working, deployment soon...
  •  Add quad scan emittance measurement function (for L0)
Optics MatchingPerez
3last step needed to migrate off of the LCLS-side emittance application. seems to be already partially implemented, so the challenge here is partially archeological in nature.
