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This page gives a very brief introduction to SLAC's new S3DF (SLAC Shared Scientific Data Facility) cluster to help you get started.  Note that, as of April 15 2024, onboarding involves automatic creation of both Active Directory ("windows") and unix accounts. The AD account is only useful for cyber training and logging into the Service Now ticket web portal.

For what follows, we We assume you already have a Unix account and your main intent is to run the Fermitools/Fermipy. During the transition, issues are discussed in the #s3df-migration slack channel. You can also join the #help-sdf channel if you wish to see SLAC-wide discussion of S3DF issues.


titlepasswordless ssh to fermi-devl

You can modify your .ssh config to allow direct passwordless access from your device to fermi-devl, by adding this to your .ssh/config file on your end:

Host slac*
        User <you>

Host slacl

Host slacd
        Hostname fermi-devl
        ProxyJump slacl

and then add your e.g. ~/.ssh/ from from your device to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys at SLAC, using:

ssh-copy-id <you>

For those using the cvs server on centaurusa outside from slac, you have to add a proxyjump for centaurusa. Since the cvs server is written in all CVS/Root files of a cvs package, you have to use the following solution:

        Hostname centaurusa
        ProxyJump slacl



  • a directory gets added to your home dir, called profile_d. It points back to the group equivalent in /sdf/group/fermi/sw/ and includes the contents of those conf files into your session's bashrc. Group-level settings go there, eg $LATCalibRoot.
  • don't overwrite your .bash_profile or you'll lose the code that does this:

# SLAC S3DF - source all files under ~/.profile.d
if [[ -e ~/.profile.d && -n "$(ls -A ~/.profile.d/)" ]]; then
 source <(cat $(find -L ~/.profile.d -name '*.conf'))
