Versions Compared


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  1. ssh into Glen's PC (from my laptop, typically I would ssh into centos7 and then ssh into pc95258). 

    1. I set up an ssh hop proxy for ease of access (in .ssh/config):

      Host centos7-proxy
        User mvarvera
        ControlMaster auto
          ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p

      Host pc95258-proxy
        HostName pc95258
        User mvarvera
        ControlMaster auto
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p
          ProxyJump centos7-proxy
  2. Use Spack to create an environment for HiPACE++

    spack env create hipace-dev
    spack env activate hipace-dev
    spack add ccache % gcc@11.3.0
    spack add cmake % gcc@11.3.0
    spack add fftw % gcc@11.3.0
    spack add hdf5 % gcc@11.3.0 spack add mpi % gcc@11.3.0
    spack add pkgconfig % gcc@11.3.0
    spack add cuda % gcc@11.3.0 spack install % gcc@11.3.0

    It will take a while to install everything...(As per the HiPACE++ documentation: in new terminals, re-activate the environment with spack env activate hipace-dev again)
    Then edit the
    spack config and change unify: true to unify: when_possible

    spack config edit

  3. Configure the compiler

    export CC=$(which gcc-11)
    export CXX=$(which g++-11)
    export CUDACXX=$(which nvcc) export CUDAHOSTCXX=$(which g++-11)

    export GPUS_PER_SOCKET=1
    export GPUS_PER_NODE=2
    export AMREX_CUDA_ARCH=7.0 # use 8.0 for A100 or 7.0 for V100

    For some reason g++ versions above 8 are unsupported with the version of CUDA I used, so you have to manually set CUDAHOSTCXX to your g++-7 path  (version 8 is not on this machine I guess but 7 seems to work for my purposes)

  4. Clone (or pull if already cloned an older version) the HiPACE++ GitHub repo: 
    `git clone $HOME/src/hipace # or choose your preferred path`
    (or pull if already cloned an older version using `git pull`)
  5. configure the program (run this in $HOME/src/hipace directory):
    cmake -S . -B build -DHiPACE_COMPUTE=CUDA 

    cmake -S . -B build -DHiPACE_COMPUTE=CUDA \
    -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(which gcc-11) \
    -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which g++-11) \
    -DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=$(which nvcc) \

    -DAMReX_CUDA_ARCH=Volta \

    -DGPUS_PER_NODE=2 \ 

  6. build using n threads (replace n with an integer, 4 for example):
    cmake --build build -j <n>
  7. To run a simulation, you can execute:
    <path>/<to>/hipace/build/bin/hipace <input_file_name> 
