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titleMore information from email

Greetings Team Stanford CS/SLAC internship partners,

As promised, this email carputers our discussions about the Stanford CS/SLAC internship preliminary meeting.

Date: November 27, 2023

Time: 1-2pm

Attendees: Breauna, Omar, Yee, Hillary

Next meeting: January 17, 2:30-3:30 (all calendars look clear)


  • The Stanford CS/SLAC Internship program will be exclusive to students enrolled full time at Stanford who are majoring in computer science. Students must be at least 18 years old, and we would prefer a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Before Ademeo left, we were assured (possibly through his interactions with Lisa Bonetti who delegated this project to him) that department funding to pay these interns is available.
  • The win-win is that SLAC receives a hand selected talent pool to work on current projects during the academic year while Stanford students gain expertise and experience at a world class lab with world class scientists and engineers.
  • The focus will be on underrepresented Stanford CS students, freshman through seniors.
  • Mentor training to support the mentoring process
  • We plan to PILOT the program during the spring quarter, 2024, with 3 interns.

Action Items:

  • Breauna will create an application for students to complete.  The application will be similar to what Stanford uses for summer internship programs.  We will review the application at our next meeting to ensure that all information required is being collected.
  • Breauna will inform us of the process faculty will use to select candidates that SLAC volunteer mentors can peruse before selecting 2 to interview, for each opening.
  • Hillary and Rebecca will create a smartsheet survey to be completed by volunteer mentors where they describe their project and the prerequisites -  to be reviewed at our next meeting
  • Rebecca will set up and document the HR mandated processes needed to make this internship program viable (site access, badging, SLAC ID numbers, etc.) - to be reviewed at our next meeting
  • Yee, Omar and Ernest will mull over what projects would best benefit from an intern.



How do we measure success of Stanford CS/SLAC Internship program?

  • Grad school applications
  • Ability to move the SLAC project forward (technically and collaboratively)
  • Job conversion
  • Exit surveys

Yee’s focus: HPCs for SLAC projects in LCLS< CryoEM, Exploratory or specific.  Looks for enthusiasm and ability to learn.

Omar’s focus: Infrastructure, hardware experiment systems support, provisioning, admin, systems admin, networking, optimization, automation, integration, inventory

Ernest’s focus: accelerator controls support (sw, hw, and EE support for ED and AD)

Please let me know if I have left anything out!

I have copied Erin Coley (HR) and Lisa Bonetti to get their input on the outlined process from an HR and funding perspective.

KEK overseas internship program



GIRA grad fellowship on technology in HEP

title2024 announcement

The announcement of the 2024 GIRA award is out, see below. This is a great opportunity for students at US institutions who work on instrumentation R&D.“Dear Colleague,On behalf of the Graduate Instrumentation Research Award (GIRA) Committee, we are pleased to announce that submissions for consideration for the GIRA award are open for 2024. Applications will be accepted starting March 1st 2024 through May 15th 2024. Details on the award and eligibility can be found at GIRA award aims to encourage graduate students to contribute significantly to the development of instrumentation within High Energy Physics and foster the growth of instrumentation experts within the field.Each year, one to two proposal will be recommended for funding to the DOE Office of High Energy Physics. Additional proposals may receive honorable mentions. The award will provide a stipend of $45,000 per year. The award is renewable for a maximum of 3 consecutive years total. Addition of a tuition supplement will be determined by OHEP on a case-by-case basis, with a cap of $65,000 on the total including stipend.The proposal must be for a graduate student to conduct research on high energy physics instrumentation, to be carried out mainly in the US at a university or at one of the following national labs: ANL, BNL, FNAL, LANL, LBNL, LLNL, ORNL, PNNL or SLAC. The applicant must name a faculty or staff mentor. Even if the work is not to be carried out at one of the labs, the project must include a staff partner from one of these labs. This may or may not be the same person as the mentor.Complete application packages including mentor and lab partner letters must be submitted by the student before the deadline at: application must contain:
 Cover letter with at least two suggested references (no need to request reference letters, just provide names and emails)
 Research proposal written by the applicant (5 page limit excluding references)
 Applicant CV
 Academic transcript or proof of enrollment in a physics PhD program
 Supporting letter written by mentor, indicating needed resources and expected availability (5 page limit).
 Supporting letter from lab partner, if other than mentor (3 page limit).If you have questions please first visit the GIRA FAQ page ( and if needed feel free to send an email to look forward to receiving your proposals,GIRA 2024 Selection Committee

Youth Opportunity Intern Program
