Versions Compared


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Run dependent parameters: 

First up are functions that will return e.g. the region-of-interest boundaries for each run.

During the experiment, this should be kept up-to-date so if the setup changes, the smallData file will get an entry with new boundaries for a just finished range of runs. This way, the smallDataRun script will always use the correct region of interest for each run.


Code Block
def getROIs(run):
    """ Set parameter for ROI analysis. Set writeArea to True to write the full ROI in the h5 file.
    See for more info
    if isinstance(run,str):
    ret_dict = {}
    if run<21:
        roi_dict = {}
        roi_dict['ROIs'] = [ [[1,2], [127,394], [655,923]]] # can define more than one ROI
        roi_dict['writeArea'] = True
        roi_dict['thresADU'] = None
        ret_dict['jungfrau1M'] = roi_dict
    elif run>20 and run<43:
        roi_dict = {}
        roi_dict['ROIs'] = [chip22] # can define more than one ROI
        roi_dict['writeArea'] = True
        roi_dict['thresADU'] = None
        ret_dict['jungfrau1M'] = roi_dict
    elif run>42:
        roi_dict = {}
        roi_dict['ROIs'] = [chip22] # can define more than one ROI
        roi_dict['writeArea'] = True
        roi_dict['thresADU'] = None
        ret_dict['jungfrau1M'] = roi_dict
    return ret_dict

Besides, the ROI definition, the parameters are the following:

writeArea: whether to write the full ROI to file or only the statistics (intensity sum, and other statistics)

thresADU: pixel intensity threshold. Any pixel below that value are set to 0.

Use of SmallDataAna_psana and extracting information from the average image

See the following link to learn how to start an interactive iPython session and make an average image for a given detector:

1.2 Area Detector treatment with DetObject#1.2AreaDetectortreatmentwithDetObject-InteractiveSmallDataAnasession

Once an average image has been created, a ROI can be selected by running:
