Versions Compared


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  • JETM2 non-allhadronic ttbar mc20 (JIRA)


Ongoing studies

  • Understanding bias in JES in low truth-jet pT
  • Possibly caused by reco-pT threshold at 20 GeV, causing low truth-pt jets to be DR matched to higher pT jets incorrectly and causing response > 1
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  • Checking difference in eta between reco and truth-matched jet indicates that larger response tends to happen with less solid dR matching
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  • When the dEta is large, jet tends to be lower-pt. Not clear if it's due to pt threshold or lower track multiplicity. ?
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  • Truth-jet matching (Brendon)
    •  Check different truth jet matching schemes for response definition
    •  Performance as a function of dR quality cut
  • Evaluating the impact of soft lepton information (Prajita)
    •  Performance with LeptonID
    •  Apply additional selection on soft electron
  • Auxiliary tasks (Brendon)
    •  Fixing weights of TruthOrigin classes
    •  Add TruthParticleID
  • Model architecture (Brendon)
    •  Attention mechanisms
    •  Hyperparameter optimization


Samples and models on SDF


Producing H5 samples with Training Dataset Dumper


Overview (FTag Workshop Sept. 2023): presentation by Nikita Pond
Tutorial: TDD on FTag docs
General introduction to Athena in Run 3 (component accumulator): ATLAS Software Docs

We are using a We are using a custom fork of training-dataset-dumper, developed for producing h5 files for NN training based on FTAG derivationswhich is used to extract h5 files from derivations - we are currently using FTAG1 / PHYSVAL / JETM2.
The custom fork is modified to store the truth jet pT via AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets container fork in slac-bjr has our working code to dump datasets based on the AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets container and EMPFlow as well as UFO jets.

The main pieces of code that we are developing for the dumper are:


Executable/Athena interfaceBTagTrainingProcessing/bin/ca-dump-


Top level configurationconfigs/regression_EMPFlow*.jsonconfigs/regression_UFO.json

WIP below


The component accumulator needs at least two algorithms for b-jet regression: the Jetmatcher algorithm that does dR matching of reco jet to truth jets and the dumper algorithm that dumps the DAOD info to h5. Algorithms are addes in two steps


Some additional truth information for the tracks will be useful. The addition of fields under the decorate part of the config didn't work with FTAG derivations. Some predefined decorations are in TDD docs.

  •  Add truthTypeLabel (NoTruth=0, Other=1, Pion=2, Kaon=3, Electron=4, Muon=5, Photon=6)

A set of test mc21 FTAG1 files can be found on:

Local files

A set of test derivation files can be found at:

Code Block
# FTAG1 mc21 (13.6 TeV)

# PHYSVAL mc20 (13 TeV)

# JETM2 mc20 (13 TeV) [First test sample of new definition]





The current set of available Ntuples is available on:
