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9/05/2007 Save/Restore Meeting
Proposed Agenda:
 - Meeting day/time/place/frequency
    Wed @ 10:00 in Castle Crags 
 - Documentation area (Sharepoint, which wiki)
    We will use Sharepoint for sharing office-type documents
    We will use http://confluence.slac.stanford.eduImage Added as our wiki
 - Strawman Phase 1-3 Definitions (go over Reqs matrix with Phases)
 - Recent Activities
 - Performance issues
 - Strawman Schedule 
Andrea - will dedicate meeting w her in future to talk about RDB issues
Check tech-talk for latest on what other sites are using.
Keep Ken/Nancy in the loop (Hamid)
Judy Rock
Paul Chu
Diane Fairley
Debbie Rogind
 - Meeting day/time/place/frequency:
    Regularly on Wed @ 10:00 in Castle Crags. I'll send out agenda prior.
 - Documentation area (Sharepoint, which wiki):
    We will use Sharepoint for sharing office-type documents
    We will use http://confluence.slac.stanford.eduImage Added as our wiki, as this is a high-level app. 
-    Strawman Phase 1-3 Definitions (go over Reqs matrix with Phases)
  Refer to Sharepoint | Electron Beams | Controls | SaveRestore | ReqsMatrixWithPhase.xls :
      Decision to use SCORE as a baseline.
    Discussed that Phase 1 is SCORE functionality - centric, Phase 2 is SCP functionality-centric; phase 3 is the ultimate - a culmination of all requirements gathered by Judy!
    Hope to deploy Phase 1 (P1) in control room early Dec 2007 as a SEAL plug-in (if not plug-in, as a stand-alone RCP app using SWT JFace) with little to no modifications to current SCORE schema. Will need to normalize and modify the schema for subsequent phases. The first 2 phases (maybe 3rd also) requires an RDB database admin person to populate Groups with signal lists, much like is done for the SCP Configs now. Will need a clear procedure defined for physicists/users for signal list submission.
    Need to re-address requirement of allowing users to define their own Groups (with Mike Stanek).
    Want to demo SCORE functionality to Paul Emma
 - Recent Activities / Performance issues
    Judy has created an XML file with over 1000 pvs to import to CSS PV Table. Still working on getting this to work. Terri will enable her linux box on the pv gateway. PV Table will be used to evaluate SWT/ JFace table performance when connecting/monitoring live pvs. Paul recommended setting the update rate of CSS PV Table to 1Hz (could be 2Hz also)
-    Strawman Schedule 
    Refer to Sharepoint | Electron Beams | Controls | SaveRestore | PrelimSchedule
Software Task             Priority    Completion    Assigned To             
Requirements Review          1                       Judy                
Kickoff Meeting                   1    8/29/2007     All         
Identify Phases                   1    9/5/2007    Judy, Deb         
Evaluate baseline packages  1    9/5/2007    Judy, Deb, Paul         
Evaluate SWT Jface perf      1    9/5/2007    Judy         
Design Document               1    10/5/2007   Deb         
Port SCORE Jtable to SWT    1    10/15/2007  Judy         
Phase 1                             1     12/1/2007   Judy, Deb
Phase 2                                                    Feb 2007
Phase 3                                                    Mar/April 2007
Above phases will be detailed more completely when design document is complete.
    Judy will "port" SCORE JTable to SWT Jface. Can use Viji's (and Diane's) experience and words of wisdom; ie don't try and replace one class with another; look at overall functionality and implement the SWT way. Will not try and take on the plug-in architecture initially for this phase (Paul points out we couldn't implement by Dec) - instead we will try and mount the learning curve with SWT/eclipse for P1 first. Second phase and design document should address plug-in architecture issues. Target completion date: 10/15/07
    Debbie will write design document, addressing Phase 2 and 3; also plug-in architecture (learning curve). Target completion date: 10/5/07
-Paul mentions other future TBD apps/plug-ins that may have some common functionality with Save/Restore: PVLogger, Channel Watcher. Note that CSS-style drag and drop within SEAL plug-ins is a low priority.
-Save GUI metadata so that next time GUI initializes as you left it:
 1) Cache GUI state per workspace
 2) Use preferences inside GUI. (ie Default to use most popular Group)
Should standardize this behavior across all plug-ins.
Action Items:
- Diane - locate March 2007 Eclipse workshop slides on Swing to SWT 
- Debbie - create Save/Restore child in confluence under Accelerator Applications.
- Debbie - email Doug's design doc template; evaluate design doc templates in general
- Judy - demo CSS PVTable when it is populated with real lcls prod pvs
- Debbie - Demo SCORE to Paul Emma
- Debbie - Talk with Mike Stanek /Stephen/Arturo about user-created Groups - how necessary are these?
- All - Come up with a name for the Save/Restore app!
Thanks for everyone's input. Debbie