Versions Compared


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The component accumulator needs at least two algorithms for b-jet regression: the Jetmatcher algorithm that does dR matching of reco jet to truth jets and the dumper algorithm that dumps the DAOD info to h5. Algorithms are addes in two steps



After compilation (note that one must build on Athena rather than AnalysisBase, as per the advanced usage page), you can After compilation (note that one must build on Athena rather than AnalysisBase, as per the advanced usage page), you can run a local test with:

ca-dump-jer -c configs/ftag_jer.json <test_FTAG1_file>


Code Block
├── nonallhad_PHYSVAL_mc20_410470 # High stats PHYSVAL derivation 
├── Rel22_ttbar_AllHadronic
├── Rel22_ttbar_DiLep
└── Rel22_ttbar_SingleLep

To do: need to add a lot of details on this (Prajita)

Adding Lepton & soft lepton to the TDD output

I am using the tools that already exist in the TDD.

Adding Electron and soft Electron

As shown below, two new algorithms are added to the same component accumulator. The first algo adds 10 electrons present near a jet (dR<0.4). The second and third lines add the algorithm that does soft electron tagging. The soft electron is defined as a single electron near a jet with the maximum probability of coming from a heavy flavor decay. This probability is evaluated by a e/gamma DNN tool. 


Adding soft muon

Soft muon information is available as Aux variables in FTAG DAOD, and these can be added just by adding them to configs as "float" to "btag" variables.

example config of adding SoftElectron and Electron information. softmuon info also added in the same way.

Calibration Applied to different objects

jets: config to calibration/selection

-Reco Jets

  • rel 22 pre-recommendations
  • baseline kinematic selection pT>20GeV & |eta|<2.5
  • min_jvt 0.5
  • event level jet cleaning

-truth jet 

  • "pt_minimum": 2e3,
    "abs_eta_maximum": 2.5,
    "dr_maximum": 0.4

-pT applied at umami preprocessing step


soft muon

  •  Links to specific component accumulators and CP tools needed to get (soft) muon/electron information
  •  Details on calibrations used for variables in the training
