Versions Compared


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Presentations and useful meetings

SDF preliminaries

Starting Jupyter sessions via SDF web interface

  1. SDF web interface > My Interactive Sessions > Services > Jupyter (starts a server via SLURM)
  2. Choose Custom Singularity Containers > enter the following custom commands:

    export SINGULARITY_IMAGE_PATH=/sdf/group/atlas/g/XbbXccTrainingData/singularity/vertexing.sif 
    function jupyter() { singularity exec --nv -B /sdf,/gpfs,/scratch,/lscratch ${SINGULARITY_IMAGE_PATH} jupyter $@; }

Producing H5 samples

We are using a custom fork of dataset-dumper, developed for producing h5 files for NN training based on FTAG derivations. The custom fork is modified to store the truth jet pT via AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJets container.


Code Block
├── Rel22_ttbar_AllHadronic
├── Rel22_ttbar_DiLep
└── Rel22_ttbar_SingleLep

Analyzing H5 samples


  • Chunking h5 files: /sdf/home/b/bbullard/bjes/analysis/ChunkH5.ipynb

Miscellaneous tips

You can grant read/write access for SDF directories to ATLAS group members via
