Versions Compared


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  1. Launch a gnome desktop session.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. >>ssh mcclogin 
  4. >>ssh fphysics@facet-srv01 
  5. Select your profile.
  6. >>facethome

Some useful commands

If you have passwordless ssh set up, this is pretty easy to use. They let you do some basic things on facet-srv01 without having to go through all these login steps

To run arbitrary commands on facet-srv01:

ssh -t ssh -t USER@mcclogin ssh -t fphysics@facet-srv01 COMMAND

(Replace USER and COMMAND)

To transfer files from facet-srv01 to your local machine (leaves a copy on RHEL):

ssh -t -t ssh USER@mcclogin “scp fphysics@facet-srv01:PATHTOFILE ~/transferStaging”; rsync -rP USER@$ ~/transfer

(Replace USER and PATHTOFILE, mkdir ~/transferStaging on RHEL and mkdir ~/transfer on your local machine first)

You can also set these up as BASH functions in your .zshrc (or whatever)