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If something is not working, try troubleshooting steps here first, then call Tyler Divya at (408929) 758247-8687 0432 if urgent, or make a JIRA ticket if not urgent. If Tyler Divya doesn't pick up, follow the the LCLS Instrument Support Escalation Tree (ECS & DS).pdf


Control Room Machines

  • Types:
    • cxi-daq connected to primary daq
    • cxi-monitor: connected to secondary daq
    • cxi-console and cxi-control for general use
  • If screens are out of order, open a terminal and run ‘’sh
  • To share screen on  ‘showcam  ‘showcam show 2’ 2or ‘showcam showcam show 1’1
    • One is for the top-right screen of cxi-daq
    • The other is for the top-left screen of cxi-monitor
  • Workaround for when encountering F-12 and F-11 Keyboard shortcuts not working 
    • Restart the gnome shell by pressing, ALT + F2 , typing "r" in the Enter command window. 
    • Reapply the gnome settings by running ""  
    • This seems to be an issue with the red hat and has been observed in other hutches as well. SLAC IT has an open ticket with red hat for the same. Moving this to resolved for now CXI Specific issue. 

EDM Screens

  • Green: Nominal and working
  • White:  IOC is intentionally powered off or problematic , ioc not visible, check in iocmanager to see if the IOC is off. 
  • Pink/Purple: Communication is not achieved. Verify digi/moxa cable is correct and connected, click on reinitialize, if that doesn't work try  rebooting the IOC 


Some issues can be fixed by clicking the Stop then Start buttons.

IOC Manager (command : iocmanager / iocmanager cxi)

  • Used to turn on/off an ioc

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  • Columns ( Refer the image above)
    • Alias: nicknames for Nicknames for ioc
    • IOC ID : Actual names of1446px the ioc
    • State: Whether it is on/off (Dev and Prod mean on)
    • Status: solid status, RUNNING means the IOC is on. 
    • Host: server the ioc is running on
    • OS: to denote if it is a rhel5 or rhel7 IOC. 
    • Port: port on the server the ioc is accessible at (must be unique from other iocs on the same server)
  • IOC Control drop down

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    • Soft IOC reboot
      • Choose this first!
  • Write
      • Writes to a PV, telling it to restart
    • Hard IOC reboot
      • Second option
      • Tells server to kill the ioc and restart it
    • Reboot Server
      • Last resort since it will restart all iocs running on that server
      • At this point, call/contact
  • Tyler
      • Divya, before continuing
      • Takes more time and could kill other IOCs that should not be killed


<to do>

Motor Expert Screen
