Versions Compared


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  •  Check WFS and DM connection. Ensure that all cables are connected to the server and DM controller, and that the server and DM controller are communicating. The DM controller should be connected to the server by ethernet cable. If not, turn off the DM controller using the switch on the front side of the controller, then connect the cable and switch it back on. The “Lan Link” indicator LED should be on after connecting to the server. This step is not necessary unless the wavefront measurement is done in the tunnel right before.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Connect to the server in the laser room:
    1. Connect to the SLAC VPN using your SLAC windows account
    2. Use a Remote desktop client to connect to the server. The computer name is PC97430. The account for logging should be the group account for the server if the purpose is to do regular operation of the HASO and DM; or an administrator account ending by “-a” if installing new software or network configuration is needed. Also add “SLAC\” in front of the user name.
  • Once connected to the server, locate the WaveView and WaveTune The first one will be used to align the HASO, and the second one will be use to control the DM according to the wavefront measured by the HASO. Only use one app at a time to avoid conflict of resources.
  • Check WFS alignment. This step is not necessary unless the beampath is significantly modified or optics are bumped. 
    1. For regen beam and full beam with RP attenuator, the pulse energy is about 4-5mJ, it needs to add filters of ND6 in total to avoid saturating the HASO by a single pulse. There are a total of fixed ND3 on the beam path with the ND3 flipper out, and another ND3 is attached on a camera adapter ring in front of the HASO.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    2. Put the alignment cross in front of the DM, and put a regular camera at the position of the HASO. Image the cross on the camera. It may need to slightly rotate the lens before the HASO to minimize imaging aberration. This will  set the imaging plane to the DM surface.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    3. Put the HASO back, remove the alignment cross, and open WaveView. Default settings are showed below. Click Ok to start
      •  The default timing setting is external "TTL". If internal trigger is preferred, open "Configuration", switch to internal under "Hardware" and change the exposure under "Acquisition."                                             
    4. Click the green arrow to start live imaging. Check if the beam is centered on the camera signal. Adjust the horizonal and vertical position of the HASO to center the image . Don’t use the mirrors to send the beam to the HASO, it can easily ruin the alignments.
    5. Stop running the HASO, then choose “Alignment” mode and start (A green arrow icon with red and green dot) . Meanwhile, screw in the alignment pin hole to the HASO. This requires to removal of the ND3 attached to the HASO. Remember to put equivalent filters (ND3 flipper in) on the beam path before removing this filter.
    6. Use the tip-tilt adjustment (knobs on the WFS mount) to put the dot in the blue circle. The dot will turn from red color to green color.
    7. Remove the alignment cap and put the ND3 filter back in front of the camera (ND3 filpper out). Check if the full beam image still roughly center on the CCD. If not, go back to step 2 and iterate. If signal saturates, lower the waveplate setting.
