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Top LED: Red: no PGP link, Green: good PGP2 link, Blue: good PGP4 link

Bottom LED:  Green: good camlink, Red: bad camlink

Failed Register Reads

If you see failed register reads from the FEB like this, it could be that the FEB firmware is out of date, since register maps change between firmware versions:

Code Block
rogue.GeneralError: Block::checkTransaction: General Error: Transaction error for block ClinkDevRoot.ClinkFeb[0].ClinkTop.Ch[0].FrameSize with address 0x0010012c. Error Non zero status message returned on fpga register bus in hardware: 0x3

Debugging Phase 1 Not Going Through

See the notes on this page: Two Phase Transitions

Debugging Configure Phase 2 Not Going Through

In groupca window "transitions" tab send configure transitions.  In rogue devGui see ClinkPcie->Application->AppLane[0]->EventBuilder→TransactionCnt increase with each one.


Note by Valerio (9/7/21): Lane 01 (Marked as "2" on the breakout cable) seem not to work on cmp011. As a workaround, Lane 02 (marked as 3 on the cable) has been used

Running Rogue DAQ Standalone

python scripts/devGui --pgp4 0 --laneConfig 0=Piranha4 --pcieBoardType Kcu1500 --enableConfig 1 --startupMode 1 --standAloneMode 1


Edit the _acceptFrame method in the above script to dump out received data

JTAG Programming the FEB Camlink Converter

Use configuration memory part number s25fl128sxxxxxx0-spi-x1_x2-x4 in Vivado.

An example old mcs file: ClinkFebPgp2b_1ch-0x00000025-20190315182526-ruckman-af9cde50.mcs

Fiber Optic Powers

NOTE: Reading of fiber-optic powers is off by default: need to set "enable" to True (both on KCU and FEB) and the click the "Read All" registers button at the bottom of the GUI.  To see the KCU side one has to tell devGui what the board type is:


Note that reading the optical powers on the KCU is slow (16 seconds?).  Larry has a plan to improve that speed.  It's faster on the FEB.

Running ATM Opal

Who manages the server for the feedback epics variable? It's a notepad-pv server that is managed by Silke/POCs.

Why does det.raw.image not work when we enable fex?  Need to set fex→prescale = 1 to get image on every shot, 0 to disable images.  det.raw.image() should still work, but doesn't.  Need to debug.  det.ttfex.image() might be an ROI for the background events (no beam).  det.ttfex.proj_ref() is a projection of that ROI.  det.ttfex.proj_sig() for every event beam. Not sure what det.ttfex.raw() is.

ATM-FEX BatcherIterator Errors

This can happen if the pvput to the feedback EPICS variable fails (e.g. if no write permission).  The exception that is thrown by pvput is trapped by the batcheriterator.
