Versions Compared


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  • (done) psana1 (mikhail, valerio) psana2 (mikhail, mona, valerio)
  • (done) smalldata code (silke, vincent)
    • will ask wilko to move some psana1 data over
    • need path to install packages
    • done by early february?
  • movers (wilko)
    • few days of work
  • need some kafka work for movers and elog (wilko)
    • should be ready for early february
  • need some data management machines and irods integration (wilko)
  • data storage (omar)?
    • backend spinning-disk (aka "s3") 10's of PB done early january
    • will get 1.5PB of flash free space by third of week of january
    • serious issue: no extended ACL's since mounted via nfs.  need multi-cluster feature? (expected in april?) or fully functional nfs?
      • could workaround by making group the expt group, but then access via ps-data (e.g. silke) wouldn't work
  • mon-node mount of calibdir (under /sdf/data/lcls) via weka-nfs (IT)
    • will try third week of january
  • ARP (murali, wilko)
    • should be straightforward copy of what we currently have. confirm with murali.
  • jupyter/ondemand (wilko, riccardo)
    • could provide yee with default kernels (cpo will contact yee/wilko)
    • can run in batch queues (charged) and interactive nodes (free!!!)
  • (done) LCLS group permissions syncing (wilko)
  • finalize high-priority analysis mechanism (preemption? reservations?)
    • need coact (like iris at nersc) stuff from murali available by beginning of february
    • will also coact to enable their s3df account
  • enable user access to s3df (IT)
