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Work Planning and Controls

High-level concepts:

  • All PAMM work should be discussed in multiple forums. This includes dedicated experimental meetings (e.g. E305 meeting), internal FACET meetings (laser meeting, operations meeting), and review meetings (PAMM planning, safety review).
  • There are four key roles in executing PAMM work:
    • Requestor - person who asks for a job to be done.
    • Lead worker - often the same person as the requestor. Person responsible for making a procedure for the work and organizing workers. Lead worker must ensure that all worker training is up-to-date.
    • Workers - people carrying out the task under the direction of the lead worker.
    • PAMM coordinator - person responsible for leading the safety review, scheduling the work, and ensuring the the pre-job briefing is held.

More information can be found in the swim lanes chart.

Pre-PAMM Steps for PAMM coordinator

  1. Announce PAMM on FACET #pamm channel and solicit jobs. This should happen as soon as next access data is known.
  2. Collect jobs and add them to Tunnel Work Spreadsheet.
    1. Contact users for procedures where necessary.
  3. Discuss jobs in Monday FACET Core team meeting and in the Friday Wednesday FACET Science Laser meeting.
  4. Review jobs for safety in the Friday "User Area Reviews" TF meeting. Determine which, if any, require RSWCF.
  5. New in 2023: Fill out the Pre-Job Briefing Smartsheet and get approval from ALD.
    1. There is also a CoHE version when needed.
  6. Add hardware jobs to CATER and assign them to the PAMM.
  7. Create the PAMM schedule.
  8. Attend AOSD PAMM planning meeting and make sure shops outside of ARDTF are aware of any requests.
  9. The week before PAMM, email list of jobs to Area Manager Emad Hamrah for release.
  10. The week before PAMM, arrange for ZVV/LOTO with PEM if necessary: Antonio de Lira
    1. This step may change in 2023.
  11. A few days before PAMM, send RP list of jobs to Melanie Najera:
  12. A few days before PAMM, send PAMM schedule to all workers, Area Managers, and Core team members.

Post-PAMM Steps

Monitor jobs and update schedule if needed.

Start of PAMM and During PAMM

  1. Make sure that Pre-Job Briefings (PB&Js) are held for all jobs.
    1. PB&Js are held by the Lead Worker. The PAMM coordinator must ensure that the PB&J occurs, but can delegate this responsibility where appropriate.
  2. If there is a problem with a job, a change of scope, or an impact on schedule, Lead Workers must inform PAMM coordinator.
    1. PAMM coordinator will decide whether or not work can continue and if new procedures, PB&Js, and new approvals via Smarthsheet are needed. See Swim Lanes Page 5 for workflows when a job has changed.

Post-PAMM Steps

  1. In CATER, mark jobs as dropped, rolled, or complete. Close CATERs where appropriate.
  2. Move rolled jobs to next access slot in Tunnel Work spreadsheet.