Versions Compared


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Choosing to move to this patch release due to two ROOT bug fixes requested by I&T.

New and interesting additions

That whole mess with hadd should be fixed.
PyRoot improvements
Supposedly as of Root 5.12 there is support for VisualStudio 8
Remote file access improvements - which I think Wilko mentioned some months ago.
Provides interface to fftw as of v5.11

 For hairy details, one can always view the release notes.

Meaning of icons:

(smile)- For regular GLAST CMT packages, indicates that the package compiles with the new ROOT, and that any test programs execute properly; the meaning of other check marks depends on what the component is.

? - Not tested

(sad) - Doesn't work

GLAST Component 




ROOT Classes

calibRootData (v1r7p7)



Compiled just fine on Linux and Windows

commonRootData (v2r13)



Compiled just fine on Linux and windows.  Loaded and used the shared library in CINT.

digiRootData (v9r16)



Compiled and ran test routine on Linux and Windows.  Loaded and used the shared library in CINT.

mcRootData (v2r20)



Compiled and ran test routine on Linux and Windows.   Loaded and used the shared library in CINT.

reconRootData (v9r11)



Compiled and ran test routine on Linux and Windows.  Loaded and used the shared library in CINT.

gcrSelectRootData (v2r1)



Compiled and ran test routine on Linux and Windows.

General I/O

Can read in ntuples from DC2



Tested interactively.  Worked without problems on Linux

Can read in ntuples from DC1



Tested interactively.  Worked without problems on Linux.

Can read in full ROOT tree files generated with 5.10.00 using 5.14.00?



Tested interactively.  Worked on Linux (did receive too few bytes warning for AcdRecon)

How is hadd?




ROOT I/O Packages

RootConvert (v1r23p1)



Compiled and ran test routine on Linux

RootIo (v17r28)



Compiled and ran test routine for writing on Linux and Windows which performs writing.  Running test with reading produced some warning about reading too few bytes for vector<Double32_t> members in AcdRecon which are empty - part of the read job reads in rootTestData files created using v5.10.00.   Fixed**

ntupleWriterSvc (v3r15)



Compiled and ran test routine on Linux and Windows just fine.


GlastRelease (v9r20)



When compiling Gleam on Linux - ran into a small error with GlastClassify's RootTuple.cxx - needed to include iostream for cerr.   Ran vanilla test_Gleam.exe on both Linux and Window to create a merit ntuple first - that worked fine.  The resulting ntuple was readable in CINT.
Re-ran with full ROOT output and read the resulting files using CINT on both Linux and Windows, worked - did receive warning about "too few bytes" for AcdRecon for both debug and release versions, which is now fixed **


PyRoot - does it work?



Big hairy deal to get it to work on Windows - it required modifying the file in ROOTSYS/bin.  See: Added

RootAnalysis ()




Are there any problems with the standard analysis and plotting tools ?



Ran tutorials/demo.c in CINT on Windows - ran fine.  Also compiled and ran $ROOTSYS/test, using Makefile.win32 and nmake.  test/stress.exe failed the 8th test (trees split and compression modes) due to an assertion failure - sent message to ROOT forum.  The failure was due to compiling in debug mode and all is fine, see RootTalk Forum: Added

; Ran guitest.exe and that seemed just fine.

This page will change as fixes are made to some problems, and more tests are done.

**Error in <TBuffer::CheckByteCount>: object of class vector<Double32_t> read too few bytes: 26 instead of 46
Viewing Root Forum discussion: Added
This error message occurs when the AcdRecon m_rowDocaCol has no entries - this is a vector<Double32_t>
David provided ROOT-central a simple example of this problem, and 5.14 has now been patched.  We can obtain the source from ROOT's CVS repository with the branch tag:  v5.14.00-patches
David has compiled and tested this release on linux.  This release has now been built on windows as well.

We will provide builds with VS2003 and VS2005

How the build was configured on Windows using cygwin and VS2005

Installed cygwin including gcc, make, etc  NOTE:  cygwin's link.exe application must be renamed, so that VC's link will be used for the build.

Installed MS Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition from Removed installed the Service Pack 1.

On this page I followed the link in Step 4 "Install the platform SDK"; on the next page I clicked on the link in Step 2 "Platform SDK" and ended up here: Removed
"Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK Web Install"
I downloaded 'PSDK-x86.exe', chose a Typical install.

Next I installed the "Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)" from Removed
When I launched the installer it asked me to choose between "Repair" and (I think) "Remove" an existing installation. I chose "Repair".

Finally I downloaded and installed ".NET Framework 2.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) (x86)" from Removed
Obtained ROOT source from their CVS repository using the tag v5.14.00e Removed

Downloaded Python 2.5 for windows
We decided to upgrade to Python 2.5 at this point in the Core Meeting from March 13, 2007
We double-checked ROOT's abilty to handle this version of Python and were pleased to find this ROOT forum discussion: Removed

Obtained FFTW 3.1.2 from Removed
downloaded:  libxml2-2.6.15.win32 from Planet Mirror
downloaded gccxml from Removed

Skipped CERNLIB, Oracle


Start cygwin via the command line:  bash --login -i
At the cygwin prompt, changed directories to the %ROOTSYS% dir and then ran configure:
./configure win32gdk --enable-roofit --enable-minuit2 --enable-table \
--enable-python --disable-odbc --enable-gdml \
--enable-unuran --enable-xrootd \
--with-fftw3-incdir=C:/heather/root-5.14d/fftw-3.1.2-dll \
--with-fftw3-libdir=C:/heather/root-5.14d/fftw-3.1.2-dll \
--with-gccxml=C:/heather/root-5.14d/gcc_xml \
--with-xml-incdir=C:/heather/root-5.14d/libxml2-2.6.15.win32/include \
--with-xml-libdir=C:/heather/root-5.14d/libxml2-2.6.15.win32/lib \
--with-python-libdir=C:/Python25/libs \