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In particular, the "loopback mode" described there and the netcat command can be useful for debugging whether the problem is on the DAQ end or on the controls PLC end.

Zach's PLC has another pingable interface that can be used to check that it is alive.  You can't ssh to it since it's not linux:

Code Block
drp-srcf-cmp002:~$ ping plc-rixs-optics
PING plc-rixs-optics.pcdsn ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from plc-rixs-optics.pcdsn ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=127 time=0.236 ms
64 bytes from plc-rixs-optics.pcdsn ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=127 time=0.424 ms

Fixing "Operation Not Permitted" Error

After time, "tprtrig" process can generate this error, because the tpr driver on drp-neh-ctl002 keeps using up file descriptors and runs out eventually:
