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Code Block
akbar@iepm-resp $ ls -rtl
total 82
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg          10212 Jul  2 15:55*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           5828 Jul  2 15:55*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           5201 Jul  2 15:55*
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           9598 Jul  2 15:55
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           9602 Jul  2 15:55
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           9552 Jul  2 15:55
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           6557 Jul  2 15:55*
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg           1515 Jul  2 15:55 regiontopology.conf
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg           4908 Jul  2 15:55*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 akbar    sg          14552 Jul  2 15:55*
-rw-r--r--    1 akbar    sg            155 Jul  2 15:55 lookup.txt
akbar@iepm-resp $

       --region |--group |--country |--file |--hostfilelist  --detail  [--tracerouteserver] [--colorlinks] [--endnodes]

                --region               Name of region in PingER to which the traceroutes must be done for generating graph
                --group                Name of group in PingER to which the traceroutes must be done for generating graph
                --country              Name of country in PingER to which the traceroutes must be done for generating graph
                --file                   Path of file containing a list of raw traceroutes, which to use for drawing the graph
                --hostfilelist         Path of file containing a list of hosts to do traceroutes, for drawing the graph
                --detail                Detail level of the graph (values include 'asn' or 'country' or 'all')
                --tracerouteserver     Complete address of traceroute server from which to do traceroutes. Default is localhost
                --colorlinks           Whether to color links according to traceroute ('on' or 'off')
                --endnodes             Whether to display end nodes in the graph ('on' or 'off')
                --basepath                Base path where to generate the graphs
                --from                    Name of the site containing the tracerouteserver
       --group 'SUB.SAHARA' --detail 'country'
       --region 'Latin America' --detail 'all'
       --file 'rawtraceroutes.txt' --detail 'all'
       --region 'Latin America' --detail 'all' --tracerouteserver ''
       --hostfilelist 'beacons.txt' --detail 'country'
       --basepath '/afs/slac/u/sg/akbar/graphs'

If you run the script with --help or without any options it gives you the usage. The following options need to be provided:

    • The target nodes for the topology graph may be specified to the program in a variety of ways. Only one of the following must be specified.
      • A region in PingER which case you must provide the --region switch followed by the exact name of the region in PingER.
      • A country in PingER in which case you must provide the --country switch followed by the exact name of the country in PingER.
      • A file containing a list of target host names followed by ip addresses seperated by commas (e.g. beacons.txt). This is specified using the --hostfilelist switch.
      • A file containing a list of raw traceroutes to a set of target nodes. This can be provided by the --file swtich followed by the path of the file containing the traceroutes. This option is provided because the program automatically saves raw traceroutes in a text file and in case the graph is to be redrawn, the raw traceroutes can be provided to the program so that the time consuming task of actually performing the traceroutes can be avoided.
  • The source node for the graph is by default the current machine. In case you want to change that you must specify the complete address of the traceroute server using the switch --tracerouteserver. An example is given in the usage above. In case you are using a tracerouteserver you should also provide the name of the tracerouteserver (e.g. TENET ) using the --from switch. This helps in naming the graph files.
  • The detail of the graph i.e. whether to show the intermediates nodes or only list the countries must be provided. It can be specified using the --detail switch followed by either 'country' or 'all'
  • The --endnodes switch is optional and indicates whether you want to draw the endnodes or not. It has values of 'on' or 'off' and the default value is 'off'
  • The -basepath switch is also optional and is used for providing the directory where you want to generated the graphs and rawtraceroute files. The default is the current directory.  The file will have the name $basepath/graph-for$file where $file is the name associated with region|group|country.