Versions Compared


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Some issues can be fixed by clicking the Stop then Start buttons.


  • Used to turn on/off an ioc
  • Columns
    • Alias: nicknames for ioc
    • State: Whether it is on/off (Dev and Prod mean on)
    • Host: server the ioc is running on
    • Port: port on the server the ioc is accessible at (must be unique from other iocs on the same server)
  • IOC Control drop down
    • Soft IOC reboot
      • Choose this first!
      • Write to a PV, telling it to restart
    • Hard IOC reboot
      • Second option
      • Tells server to kill the ioc and restart it
    • Reboot Server
      • Last resort since it will restart all iocs running on that server
      • At this point, call/contact Tyler, before continuing
      • Takes more time


  • Use 'restartdaq' to open the daq (there's no 'startdaq' command)
  • Event Codes / Timing
    • Change on the DAQ Control Window: Edit>EVR>Event Codes
      • Set one code to 'Readout' to define when the DAQ records data
      • Set codes to 'Command' to have their states for each shot recorded in the data
    • Event codes:
    • To record only when the sequencer fires, set the DAQ to readout on 187 and put 187 in the sequencer
