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Comment: Still more to fix...

Table of Contents

General Notes

If something not working, try troubleshooting steps here first, then call Tyler at (408) 758-8687.


Control Room Machines

  • Types:
    • cxi-daq connected to daq
    • cxi-monitor: connected to secondary daq
    • cxi-console and cxi-control for general use
  • If screens are out of order, open a terminal and run ‘’
  • To share screen on  ‘showcam show 2’ or ‘showcam show 1’
    • One is for the top-right screen of cxi-daq
    • The other is for the top-left screen of cxi-monitor


EDM Screens

  • Green: good & working
  • White: Bad, ioc not visible, ioc might be off, check iocmanager
  • Pink/Purple: Error, something is wrong




  • camViewer -h   (help options)

  • camViewer -l   (list camera names)
  • camViewer -c <camera name>   (open camera screen)
  • camViewer -c <camera name> -r   (reboot camera ioc)
  • camViewer -c <camera name> -m   (open EDM screen)


Some issues can be fixed by clicking the Stop then Start buttons.


  • Used to turn on/off an ioc
  • Columns
    • Alias: nicknames for ioc
    • State: Whether it is on/off (Dev and Prod mean on)
    • Host: server the ioc is running on
    • Port: port on the server the ioc is accessible at (must be unique from other iocs on the same server)
  • IOC Control drop down
    • Soft IOC reboot
      • Choose this first!
      • Write to a PV, telling it to restart
    • Hard IOC reboot
      • Second option
      • Tells server to kill the ioc and restart it
    • Reboot Server
      • Last resort since it will restart all iocs running on that server
      • At this point, call/contact Tyler, before continuing
      • Takes more time

Shell Commands

Run command -h for helptext


  • Can be used to cycle a server.
  • e.g. serverStat daq-cxi-master cycle


  • Use to find information about the server. Location could be useful if you need to power cycle it in person.
  • e.g. netconfig search daq-cxi-master


  • Open motor expert screen for a certain motor given its PV. Useful if you can't find it on the EDM screen.
  • e.g. motor-expert-screen CXI:PI1:MMS:01 


<to do>

Motor Expert Screen

  • Example: digi PIM /YAG 1
    • FIND on CXI home screen in array of green buttons or
    • Command: ‘motormotor-expert-screen CXI:DG1:MMS:08’08 
  • If motor position doesn’t seem right, try to re-initialize first.
  • Set parameters(dial vs user):
    • Offset: set dial to be zero , maybe at limit switch, and user set at interaction point
    • Neg/Postive: since in y-direction, going positive actually is negative, so it is switched with these buttoms
    • Do not mess with, UNLESS comfortable: run current/percentage
    • Can move with velocity if experiment requires it
    • Velocity vs speed:
      • V: actual speed in ml/s
      • Speed: rev/s
      • Acceleration: requires calculations
    • If something is not moving: CHECK the comments given in the ‘log messages’
      • Power cycled error
        • Button will show to power-up
        • If not, go into Aux setting: Command response, type ‘pu 0’
          • At the bottom right
        • Error 92:
          • Closed loop postioning error
          • Check the size of deadband
            • Go into aux settings, Command response,type ‘pr db’ or if specific position, ‘pr db 10’ example
              • At the bottom right

Shell Commands

Run command -h for helptext


  • Can be used to cycle a server.
  • e.g. serverStat daq-cxi-master cycle



  • Use to find information about the server. Location could be useful if you need to power cycle it in person.
  • e.g. netconfig search daq-cxi-master


  • Open motor expert screen for a certain motor given its PV. Useful if you can't find it on the EDM screen.
  • e.g. motor-expert-screen CXI:PI1:MMS:01 


  • In firefox>pswww website>log in> controls Grafana> Dashboards, manage> CXI
  • In Grafana> create>empty panel
  • Used to check any PVs of interest
  • Can look into their history
    • Change timeframe to whatever is of interest
  • To copy and paste: use middle click
  • Can also click on stream: for current state, without the need to refresh


  • CXI home>Detectors>LakeshoreControls found on CXI home > Detectors tab
  • There is a boot-up procedure, extensive notes on confluence with pictures
  • Takepeds & makepeds
  • Jungfrau 4M Detector
  • takepeds & makepeds:
    • <todo>
  • ‘restartdaq’ (no ‘startdaq’ command)‘Startdaq’> ‘restartdaq’
  • DAQ Control Window: Edit>EVR02>event Edit>EVR>event codes>
    • Event codes: make rate faster by changing to 120Hz
      • Event code allocations: is an overview of event codes and their usage
    • For sequencer:
    • Trigger to 187
      • Change 187 Type to readout
    • Command is to record

How to reboot camera:

camViewer -h (help options)

camViewer -c ______ -r


    • adds it to the datastream

Event definition – 10Hz – CuHTH (T1, HXR 10Hz).
