Versions Compared


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Unfortunately, the remlinkid is currently displayed as a signed integer, so to see the real value on has to calculate, for example, 0x100000000-0x4ff63cd=0xfb009c33 (see output of kcuStatus txLinkId above)

Configuration of KCU Clock Speeds (KCU links not locking)

The clock speed is programmed via datadev_1, so if only a datadev_0 is included then the pgp link between KCU and HSD will not lock.  It currently requires the corresponding datadev_1 to be in the cnf file.

Zombie HSD Causing Deadtime

Multi-opal can have this problem too.  Can get dead time from an hsd that is not included the partition (or has been removed from the cnf).  In the case, the "zombie" has a stuck "enable" bit in the hsdpva config tab. Options:

  • segment level should "disable" on restart
    • will still have problems when the zombie hsd is removed from the cnf
  • better: can also disable on control-C signal (handles case where hsd is removed from cnf)
  • another possibility: the collection mechanism reports all participating hsd's/opal's and the "supervisor" drp process (determined by the named-semaphore) could disable the unused ones


  • use "-vvv" to get printout of timestamp matching process
  • options to executable:  "-1" is fuzzy timestamping, "-0" is no timestamp matching, and no argument is precise timestamp matching.
  • the IP where the PV is served might not be the same as the IP returned by a ping. For example: ping ctl-kfe-cam-02 returns, but the PV is served at
  • netconfig can be used to determine the IP where the PV is served. For example:

    /reg/common/tools/bin/netconfig search ctl-kfe-cam-02-drp

    subnet: daq-drp-neh.pcdsn
    Ethernet Address: b4:2e:99:ab:14:4f
    Contact: uid=velmir,ou=People,dc=reg,o=slac
    PC Number: 00000
    Location: Same as ctl-kfe-cam-02
    Description: DRP interface for ctl-kfe-cam-02
    Puppet Classes:

    Found 1 entries that match ctl-kfe-cam-02-drp.
