Versions Compared


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The conda installation also features cmake v3.14 and root 6.24

Installing rogue_lite

For HPS data taking is necessary to compile the C++ only version of rogue outside conda environment. This is because rogue library gets dynamically loaded by coda and the latter is not exposed to the anaconda environment. 
It's important that the version of the standalone rogue library matches the version loaded in the conda environment. As of June 2021, we are using rogue v5.8.0 that can be obtained from:
This external C++ installation is called rogue_lite in HPS jargon. Here are the steps to compile it:

No Format
git clone rogue_lite
cd rogue_lite
git checkout v5.8.0
mkdir lib
cd lib
cmake .. -DNO_PYTHON=1
make install

Once this is compiled and installed, in order to setup rogue location in the environment, just:

No Format

This will setup ROGUE_DIR folder. 

Compiling and installing the event_builder

The event builder is located in the heavy-photon-daq repository. As of June 2021, we are using the Run2021 branch.
Under software/event_builder 
It needs to be compiled against the rogue_lite version 

No Format
cd heavy-photon-daq/software/event_builder
source src/scripts/

Bring the event_builder and rogue_lite libraries in coda

The event_builder and rogue_lite libraries are just copied in coda

No Format
rm -rf /pathTo-coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/librogue*
rm -rf /pathTo-coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/libhps*
\cp -a -v /pathTo-rogue_lite/lib/* pathTo-coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/
\cp -a -v /pathTo-heavy-photon-daq/software/rogue_coda/install/x86_64-linux/lib/* pathTo-coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/

At Jlab, this file is important:

No Format
bravo@clonfarm2:/usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt$ cat
rm -rf /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/librogue*
rm -rf /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/libhps*
\cp -a -v /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt/rogue_lite/lib/* /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/
\cp -a -v /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/slac_svt/heavy-photon-daq/software/rogue_coda/install/x86_64-linux/lib/* /usr/clas12/release/1.4.0/coda/Linux_x86_64/lib/

Setting up a VNC for SVT DAQ work
