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The small data generation takes advantage of the local development of the PSANA framework. It can be customized and run both again the xtc files while they are being written on the ffb system (ongoing experiment only)  as well as against the .xtc files on the offline system,. Parallel computing has been built-in. For a typical experiment Silke will set up the code in the directory /reg/d/psdm/<hutch>/<expname>/results/smalldata_tools for the offline running of or /cds/data/drpsrcf/<hutch>/<experiment>/scratch/smalldata_tools when running in the new ffb. 
A "driver" python file (typically calledsmalldatacalled in the examples subdirectory) can then be edited to, e.g., choose and optimize a different ROI on area detectors, define beam center for radial integration, define delay time range and bin sizes, etc. How to set up this "userData" or reduced data / feature extracted data is described in more detail in SmallData Production - DetObject.
