Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Instead of writing its printed output to your terminal, the server will create a log file at logs/server.log,which you can tail to check the server's log messages using a command like tail -f logs/server.log in order to see the server logs from its handling of client requests.




Now you can connect to the running server using the online recon client:If you run the client without any command options, it will opens the interactive online reconstruction console which can be used to configure, create, start/stop and remove stations that run the HPS physics event reconstruction on data from the ET ring.

Code Block
hps-recon-client --host localhost --port 22222 -c station.prop

An initial configuration can be provided to the client using the -c switch.


Whenever you see online> it means the command is run in the online reconstruction console, not the system shell (like bash).

Type help into the console to show the documentation for the client command line interface:

Code Block

This is the output of the above command:

Code Block

These settings are usually going to be specific to the year of the HPS data being read from the ET ring. The above are settings based on the 2016 physics reconstruction.

The client can also be used without a config file (the server may have been started with one to provide valid defaults).

Client Console

If you run the client without any command options, it will opens the interactive online reconstruction console which can be used to configure, create, start/stop and remove stations that run the HPS physics event reconstruction on data from the ET ring.

Code Block
hps-recon-client --host localhost

Whenever you see online> it means the command is run in the online reconstruction console, not the system shell (like bash).

Type help into the console to show the documentation for the client command line interface:

Code Block

This is the output of the above command:

Code Block


    help - print general information
    help [cmd] - print information for specific command
    exit - quit the console


    port [port] - set the server port
    host [host]- set the server hostname
    file [filename] - write server output to a file
    append [true|false] - true to append to output file or false to overwrite
    terminal - redirect server output back to the terminal


    config - Set new server configuration properties
    create - Create a new station
    list - List station information in JSON format
    log - Tail log file of station (hit any key to stop tailing)
    remove - Remove a station that is inactive
    save - Save the current set of plots to a ROOT or AIDA file
    set - Set a configuration property
    shutdown - Shutdown the server
    start - Start a station that is inactive
    status - Show server and station status
    stop - Stop a station


Code Block
# lcsim detector name for conditions
online>set lcsim.detector HPS-PhysicsRun2016-Pass2

# run number for conditions
online>set 7798

# lcsim steering resource
online>set lcsim.steering /org/hps/steering/recon/PhysicsRun2016OnlineRecon.lcsim

online>set lcsim.detector HPS-PhysicsRun2016-Pass2



The steering file should contain a Driver that extends the RemoteAidaDriver, in order to provide station plot data to the server.


Code Block
online>remove 1 2 3 3

Save some plots to an AIDA file:

Code Block
online>save myplots.aida

JAS3 can be used to view AIDA plots.

Save some plots to a ROOT file:

Code Block
online>save myplots.root

You can use rootbrowse command to look at the plots saved in the ROOT format.

When you'll all done, shutdown the server using a command likeSave some plots to an AIDA file:

Code Block
online>save myplots.aida

JAS3 can be used to view AIDA plots.

Save some plots to a ROOT file:

Code Block
online>save myplots.root

You can use rootbrowse command to look at the plots saved in the ROOT format.

When you'll all done, shutdown the server using a command like:

Code Block
online>shutdown 5

This will wait 5 seconds before stopping and destroying all stations and cleanly shutting down the server and its connection to the ET ring.


online>shutdown 5

This will wait 5 seconds before stopping and destroying all stations and cleanly shutting down the server and its connection to the ET ring.

Client Command Line

Now you can connect to the running server using the online recon client:

Code Block
hps-recon-client --host localhost --port 22222 -c station.prop

An initial configuration can be provided to the client using the -c switch.

You can create an initial file called station.prop which will usually have settings specific to the data format/year like detector name, run number, reconstruction steering file:

Code Block

These settings are usually going to be specific to the year of the HPS data being read from the ET ring. The above are settings based on the 2016 physics reconstruction.

The client can also be used without a config file (the server may have been started with one to provide valid defaults).

Using a Command File

Code Block
hps-recon-client --host localhost my.cmd
