Versions Compared


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  • kcuSim -t (resets timing counters)
  • kcuSim -s (dumps stats)
  • Watch for these errors: RxDecErrs 0 RxDspErrs 0
  • reload the driver with "systemctl restart tdetsim"
  • currently driver is in /usr/local/sbin/datadev.ko, should be in /lib/modules/<kernel>/extra/
  • reloading the driver does a soft-reset of the KCU (resetting buffer pointers etc.).
  • if the soft-reset doesn't work, power-cycle is the hard-reset.


As of Jan. 20, 2021, Matt has firmware here:

  • ~weaver/DrpTDet-20200612*.mcs (tdetsim)
  • /afs/slac/u/ec/weaver/projects/cameralink-gateway/firmware/targets/ClinkKcu1500Pgp2b/images/ClinkKcu1500Pgp2b-0x04090000-20201125220148-weaver-dirty*.mcs (timetool opal, but compatible with normal opal ... he will merge into Larry's repo).

datadev Driver

  • user "systemctl list-unit-files" to see if tdetsim.service or kcu.service is enabled
  • associated .service files are in /usr/lib/systemd/system/
  • to see if events are flowing from the hardware to the software: "cat /proc/datadev_0" and watch "Tot Buffer Use" counter under "Read Buffers"
  • if you see the error "rogue.GeneralError: AxiStreamDma::AxiStreamDma: General Error: Failed to map dma buffers. Increase vm map limit: sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144".  This can be caused by that parameter being too low, but it can also be caused by loading the driver with CfgMode=1 in tdetsim.service (we use CfgMode=2).  This CfgMode parameter has to do with the way memory gets cached.
    • make sure the tdetsim.service is the same as another working node
    • make sure that the appropriate service is enabled (see first point)
    • check that the driver in /usr/local/sbin/datadev.ko is the same as a working node
    • check that /etc/sysctl.conf has the correct value of vm.max_map_count
  • we have also seen this error when the datadev.ko buffer sizes and counts were configured incorrectly in tdetsim.service.
