Versions Compared


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Use this command to see non-epics detector names that can be used with the Detector interface (see "Detector Interface" example below):

Code Block
(ps-4.1.0) psanagpu101:lcls2$ detnames exp=tmoc00118,run=123
Name      | Data Type
epicsinfo | epicsinfo
timing    | raw      
hsd       | raw      
gmdstr0   | raw    

Use this command the same command with the "-e" option to see epics detector names names that can be used with the Detector interface (see "Detector Interface" example below).  These are slowly varying variables (like temperatures) that are not strongly time correlated with the non-epics data:

Code Block
(ps-4.1.0) psanagpu101:lcls2$ detnames -e exp=tmoc00118,run=123
Name            | Data Type
StaleFlags      | raw      
Keithley_Sum    | raw      
IM2K4_XrayPower | raw      
IM3K4_XrayPower | raw 
