Versions Compared


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:Feb 29 1st case, Mar 12 close schools, colleges, child care and public events, Mar 14 100 cases, Mar 24 almost all businesses, venues, facilities and amenities are shut down.  The average IPDV for the period 2/1/20 through 2/28/20 was 0.16+-0.07 msec. while for the period 3/1/20 through 3/31/20 was 0.16+- 0.06 msec.


For Ireland PingER monitors 3 hosts. One is, that is connected to SLAC via ESnet, GEANT and HEANET, all high-performance research and education networks. The other two are speedtest hosts that are used to enable the public to test the speed of their network connection. Looking at the chart below it is seen that the two Speedtest hosts track one another fairly closely while the HEANET host has a different trajectory. Interventions that might be expected to impact network performance include: Mar 12 shutdown schools, colleges and cultural institutions, Mar 24 almost all businesses, venues, facilities and amenities were shut. It is hard to see any noticeable correlation between these dates and IPDV performance. The spreadsheet is here.


There are 5 hosts monitored by PingER in the UK. Four are at the Universities of Bristol, Newcastle, Manchester and Edinburgh. The fifth is a commercial site at Manchester and Edinburgh have strangely large IPDVs and hence will be ignored. The links to the universities are via ESnet, GEANT and JANET research and Academic networks.

According to on Mar 20 schools, restaurants, pubs, indoor entertainment venues and leisure centers were shutdown; "On 23 March, the UK government imposed a lockdown on the whole population, banning all "non-essential" travel and contact with people outside one's home (including family and partners), and shutting almost all businesses, venues, facilities, amenities and places of worship. People were told to keep apart in public. Police were empowered to enforce the lockdown, and the Coronavirus Act 2020". There is an uptick in the IPDV for the University of Bristol starting around Mar 23. Venture37 has an uptick that persists around the 6-7 Apr. 

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