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Step-by-step guide

These instructions assume you are in the /nfs/slac/g/hps_data2/data/physrun2019/feeAlignment/runDir directory

  1. Prepare a new detector using the results of a previous alignment.
  2. Rerun the reconstruction over the data sets using this new detector. I suggest creating a new directory for each detector and alignment pass to keep things clean
    1.  For development and testing you may want to run over a single file just to test things.

      No Format
      java -server -jar hps-distribution-4.5-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar PhysicsRun2019ReReconForAlignment.lcsim -i <inputFileName> -DoutputFile=DetectorNamePassX/<outputFileName> -d <detectorName> -R 10103
    2.  For production at SLAC you can use the following for 10103:  

      No Format
      for i in {000..191}; do bsub -W 4:00 -R rhel60 -o outputs/HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_Pass0/logs/hps_010103.evio.00"$i".log java -server -jar hps-distribution-4.5-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar PhysicsRun2019ReReconForAlignment_multiFiles.lcsim -DinputFileList=inputs/hps_010103.evio.00"$i"_InputFileList.txt -DoutputFile=outputs/HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_Pass0/hps_010103.evio.00"$i" -d HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5 -R 10103 -e 1000; done

      and similarly for 10104: 

      No Format
      for i in {000..206}; do bsub -W 4:00 -R rhel60 -o outputs/HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_Pass0/logs/hps_010104.evio.00"$i".log java -server -jar hps-distribution-4.5-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar PhysicsRun2019ReReconForAlignment_multiFiles.lcsim -DinputFileList=inputs/hps_010104.evio.00"$i"_InputFileList.txt -DoutputFile=outputs/HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_Pass0/hps_010104.evio.00"$i" -d HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5 -R 10104 -e 1000; done

      Each set of jobs normally finishes within 6 minutes, so 600k events can be processed in slightly over 10 minutes.

  3.  The resulting root files can be concatenated using the command-line utility: 

    No Format
    hadd HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_Pass0.root outputs/HPS-PhysicsRun2019-v2-4pt5_Pass0/*.root




Content by Label
cqllabel in ("calibration","reconstruction","alignment","svt","tracker") and type = "page" and space = "hpsg"
labelsreconstruction alignment calibration SVT tracker
