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See the SLIC installation instructions.

Detector Data

In your work area, checkout the detector data files from SVN.

No Format
svn co svn://

The lcdd detector description files are included in the hps-java distribution. 

No Format

 This will locally install the HPS detector data.

Run Event Simulation

The following example shows how to generate some LCIO events using slic .with an stdhep file as input

No Format
slic -g ./hps-java/detector-data/detectors/HPS-EcalTest-v1pt0/HPS-EcalTest-v1pt0.lcdd \
-i /nfs/slac/g/hps/mgraham/DarkPhoton/SignalEvents/ap6.6gev100mevsel_10_20u_beamspot_gammactau_0cm.stdhep \
-x -O -o hpsEcalTest -r 10000